Blue tit crisis

My bird box fell off the wall in the high winds a week ago during the night .. ( rusty old nail had bent ) . As soon as I discovered it I put it back . One little egg ( blue tits ) had sadly Broken but I think there are 4 remaining. However I have not seen the blue tit pair that were nesting there since . 
I have a cat .. but she usually brings me her kills so I’m optimistic that the pair have flown off and arnt injured. 
Are they likely to return to the box to check on their eggs or scared away for good . I have blues nesting every year .. sit sure if same pair yearly . 
would appreciate any input . 

  • Hi Maggie, sounds to me that they have abandoned the nest. With the box falling to the ground, the parents may or not have been in there, even although you say you quickly put it back up, it might have been enough for them to abandon the box. They may have been spooked by the cat? If you have not seen them about and know that there are eggs, then then the nest is longer viable. If all was well they would have returned to the nest by now.