Time to start this year's thread of odds and sods (Last year's Odds & Sods HERE)
Today a large flock of 40 or so Redwings descended on the fields around our local parkland and although they were pretty skittish and distant I hard cropped a few pics for you ....
and a blue tit landed nearby !
Regards, Hazel
Taken through an upstairs window a few minutes ago. Fortunately it hung around while I ran for the camera!
Oh dear, someone is going to be lunch!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Hunt and be hunted, food must seem plentiful there compared to other places the sprawk has visited.
Flickr: Peak Rambler
Kind regards, Ann
Have also been visited by a sparrowhawk in our garden last week and this is the reason why.... my new family of goldfinches, I can get upto 20/30 in a sitting but mostly about 10 to 15 all day long.as a massive shock to see a sparrowhawk in our garden...
Was a beautiful sunny day at Leighton Moss yesterday and the beardies were out in numbers, at least 20 of them at one time, however, with the sun being out, the beardies being out the crowds were out so getting clear views or near enough photographs was difficult; in the end I just used the binoculars and listened to the wonderful sound of them arriving to and from the grit trays with the unique pinging sound. The deer stags showed briefly at Grisedale hide so I will add a quick pic of one of them.
the handsome male beardie ....
this one looks like one of this years young and by all accounts they've had a good breeding season
a bit of a wing and tail stretch
I'm loving these photos of the moustached reedlings and goldies, nice photos folks.
Still not getting out at the moment, the gum is still a little tender and prone to bleeding (the joy of anticoags), so a few from the gardencams....
Playful foxes
Playful foxes, the dog fox rubbing up against the hedge, leaving his scent mark....
Playful foxes.
Playful foxes, one having a drink from a water bowl