Time to start this year's thread of odds and sods (Last year's Odds & Sods HERE)
Today a large flock of 40 or so Redwings descended on the fields around our local parkland and although they were pretty skittish and distant I hard cropped a few pics for you ....
and a blue tit landed nearby !
Regards, Hazel
Germain said:
Ooooo, I managed to get a shot of the lightening yesterday
It was a pretty dramatic hour or two
A brilliant shot, and not easy to do, for you never know where the lightning is going to show.
Flickr: Peak Rambler
A juvenile Robin I didn't know was in my garden ... chance capture on external security-type cam that I'm trialling for recording baby hoggies
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
A few from the weekend in the local valley/moors. Closest I've been to a wild red deer stag, staring at me from amongst the trees in the Peaks. Soon be approaching that time of year so won't be getting that close then even though I never even noticed him at first..
He's showing off his Dippers CL :o) as well as the close up stag, beautifully reflected wagtail (I thought grey at first look), and winter must be coming coz the grouse(?) has furry boots on!
Some beautifuil large stags up there this year. The rut hasn't really got going the last couple of years but it'll be interesting to see if it does this year. I'm always in two minds going to watch it, incredible to see them fighting for hinds and so majestic but also deer get killed. A hind got killed last year coming between two rutting stags.
A clip of the stag. I was walking off one of the edges that the Peaks are famous for through woodland on a slippy path and watching my feet. Took a pause and he was right there next to me in the trees 30 yards or so away, I'd have never even noticed him if I hadn't taken a break. Both stood still for what seemed like a long time (in reality a couple of minutes probably) then he snapped out of his trance and wandered off slowly, keeping an eye on me as he did so.