Baby pigeon in my garden unable to fly

Hi all,

We have got a pigeon nest in a tree in our garden and I've been enjoying watching the pigeons coming and going. On Saturday I noticed a baby pigeon but wasn't sure how old it was. I've noticed today it's in my garden rather than in its nest and I haven't seen it fly. It's It's parents keep coming down to it and feeding it and it has hidden itself under my daughter's slide. 

Is this normal behaviour? Really hoping it is ok but I'm worried it can't get back to its nest.

Thanks all


  • Is it a wood pigeon? It sounds like it. If the parents are feeding it, then at least it won't starve. Just keep an eye out for cats. Baby wood pigeons are not good at avoiding them. If it does get catted, it will need antibiotics as a matter of urgency. A wildlife rescue centre will be able to help with that, but not a vet, They seldom treat wild birds and don't necessarily have the specialist training. To see if you have a local rescue, check here

    Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

    (One bush does not shelter two Robins)

    Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)