Great tits parents not feeding

  • Hi. Hope someone may be able to give me some advice here. We have a nesting box on the back of the house which great tits are using. About two weeks ago the chicks hatched & parents have been feeding them ever since. However, there has been no sight of them at all today.....they normally fly to the box with caterpillars every minute or so. The chicks are crying out & one of them appears at the entrance. No sign of mum & dad at all. Was hoping they might be taking a siesta but it's late afternoon now & they're just not around? What can/should I do? Realise shouldn't interfere with nature's just my instinct to help! Thanks, Howard
  • Sorry to read about the problems with the Great Tit nest. My original thoughts were that they may have fledged but you are hearing them. (I have just checked and they leave at 18-20 days, so too young yet). It may be possible that that parents have been predated by something, hence not being back to the nest. Sad as it is and much as you want to help, there is nothing that you can do, as you already know it is not allowed. Have the parents been back yet?

  • Hi, thanks for your reply. Well, I waited until night time & there was still no sign of the parents. I read that if the chicks go 24 hours unfed, they will die. Also the temperature here was due to drop to 7 degrees that night with no mother to keep them warm they would perish.
    I took the nesting box down & placed it in a box indoors. A heat pad underneath & heat belt wrapped around provided the needed warmth.
    I've been feeding them on cut up dried mealworms (soaked first) & small pieces of mince dipped in water using tweezers.
    A couple of them were very quiet & reluctant to feed at first, but now, three days later they are all eagerly taking food at regular intervals & making a lot of noise!
    My understanding of the Wildlife & Coutryside Act is that it provides an exception for someone to care for orphaned chicks, but maybe I've got it wrong?
    Anyhow, they seem to be thriving & fingers crossed the next stage in a few days will be to see if I can release them so I'm reading up the best way to do that.
  • Hi, good that the chicks are doing well. I know that there are some exceptions, but unsure exactly. Sad as it is sometimes we have to let nature take its course. Anyhow you have helped and they seem okay, so good luck.