Great Tit domination!

Hi all, 

Tit domination! Can anyone help?  As much as I love Great Tits, they have managed to bully and push away all other birds!  It's really quite sad that we now no longer get a variety that we used to. 

Despite 10 feeders (4 different feeders Types) including sheltered flat bird-house, wirecage peanuts dispenser, fat-ball holders and 3 specific Nyjer seed Housedispensers (Finches) and 2 sunflower heart feeders.  All we ever get are Great Tits.

We *used to* get all sorts of beautiful birds, including Robins, Finches, common Sparrow, even the beautiful Great Spotted woodpecker...used to pop over 2-3 / week. Even the much larger wood Pigeons are bullied off by the Great Tits now.

Is there *anything* I can do??  Any tips at all ? attract back the other species? 

(Already have different feeder types with different fresh foods that should attract a variety of birds) ...and used to!  But it seems the Tits have multiplied significantly this year and dominate ALL the feeders!

Thanks in advance for any tips.

Regards Hearts