Squabbling Finches

After the rain yesterday I set myself up in the garden hoping to get Mr (or Mrs, who knows) Coal Tit perched on/flying/to/flying from the feeder. What follows is a 2 second cacophony of a finch-fest!

It all appears calm, bar the incoming missile

Air brakes on

Reverse thrusters applied

Manoeuvring Process begun, uh-oh, disturbed one!

A bit of "grrrrr" starting

Abort Cap'n .... I need more lift....

Evacuate, evacuate..... Pull up Cap'n, I cannae Hold it...... The dilythium Crystals.......

Awwww gizza kiss

Ewww Sunflower Breath, back away!!

Further away....

Hmmm, I think I'll go over here

This looks better, and smells sweeter :o)

Prior to that there'd been a game of guess who...

Yayyy, it's Mr Contortionist-Chaffy (hyphenated of course!)

But I did manage in the end to get a couple of the Coal Tit ("Marshy"), but I think after sitting there a while there is a pair of them :o)