We've just got home from a walk to our local Woodland Trust nature reserve and I've seen my first dragonflies of the year, hunting and skimming over a water lily on iridescent wings.
The nature reserve was created just over 10 years ago on 17 acres of unused farmland, incorporating some old woodland with a well established rookery. It's bordered by busy roads on two sides and the Oxford canal and farmland on the other two sides. There are hundreds of young oaks and hazel amongst thousands of trees planted when the reserve was created, plus two big ponds with an island that the heron loves.
The reeds around the larger of the ponds were full of busy twitterings but I'm not yet very good on identifying wetland birds. The call sounded like a reed warbler........... I think :-).............. maybe..........
A pair of swans with 6 cygnets were gliding around on the smaller pond, with the occasional fluffy, grey bottom tipping up to feed on the weeds.
It's such a peaceful place. As we walked kingfisher blue, beautiful demoiselles flitted around us and I could hear the sound of a cricket match on the nearby playing fields, yet it's all a few hundred yards from a huge Sainsburys and a dual carriage way leading towards the A34, completely hidden from people flying by in their cars.
I used to be one of them, but now I have found all kinds of secret places within a few minutes walk of my home. I love stepping into the timeless world of nature and often wish I could shape shift into a tree and become home for lots of little creatures.
It's so lovely to be on a forum of gentle, nature lovers! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone more and I've been wondering what beautiful things you have all seen today.
Eilid x
"out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there" Rumi
If its no fun Yer no doin it right!
Your sky is as pretty as mine :-D How wonderful to see the world from up there.
Hope you're having a good morning. First baby blue tits visited my garden this morning.
Parent and three little balls of fluff. Gorgeous!
J/E x
Strike the pose :-D
It's a lovely photo Jaimie, no need to feel embarassed at all. Even Pipit's effort is better than mine of the Red Arrows. All I got was a beautiful blue sky and a bit of a roof top. Your photo has atmosphere, and I like it very much. Please keep your posts coming, they are a delight to read. Thank you.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Thank you Sparrow.
Just trying to get a picture of a mum and three baby blue tits. I'm not optimistic :-)
Millie has been up to mischief in the tearoom so time to get her out and see what we can see today
Jaimie x
What a lovely description of your walk in your first post Eilid!
Excellent photos and stories from everyone!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr