All about Insects (2015 to March 2017)

Oh well, no sooner said than done. All you budding entomologists or photographers or anyone who likes nature, you can put your insect photos here!

I'll kick off with a few that I've had lately. This first is called a Mantis Fly & is a cross between a Fly & Mantis (funnily enough) & is in the Neuroptera family, which is a mixed bunch anyway, my first & I had 3 of them around the moth trap

& a Rhinocerus Beetle which was also attracted to the light & are quite rare now around here, he really was fabulous, very impressive,

& this Frelon was also in the moth trap, but seemed quite docile as long as I kept my distance!

& some Damsel flies, an Azure Damselfly (thanks for the ID Aiki)

a Large Red Damsel

& from early may a proper fly from the Dipteras, anyone know the English name, I think it's latin name is Otites lamed,

I usually only take photos of flies with interesting wings as I am hopeless at identiying them!

Thanks for looking & maybe you can post some of yours!!

Best wishes

Hazel in Southwest France

  • Update on Ladybirds ... had 23 out of 25 hatched & running around, put the pot next to the runner bean infested with blackfly & saw them having another feast!

    Catch up here with some footage from 26th/27th June when it was a beautiful & warm sunny day & the garden was literally dripping with Bees, Hovers & all manner of beasties ...

    This beastie which was in my last night's Moth trap but is not one ... I think it may be a member of Lacewing family

    Spent most of it's time showing off it's 'six-pack' & green belly


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • It looks like a Caddis fly (Trichoptera)Wendy. You get allsorts in the moth traps!!

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Great video,Wendy.Love your hovers. The green fly is a soldier fly - Chloromyia formosa aka the Broad Centurian. I gave up recording caddis flies(waiting for the kingfisher to come around!) a while ago but know this as -  Limnephilus marmoratus.

  • Oooooh, interesting, thanks H ... wonder if there are any larvae in my pond all decorated with stones & leaves & stuff??


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Well done Edge on identifying it, I give up on them usually! Great video Wendy BTW.  

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Thanks for ID H & EB ... I think I have found out what this little spid is ... fell off the Toadflax I was picking for my Moths

    Much smaller than 5p piece (forgot the perspective ... again!)


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • They are really lovely spiders & seem to take their colour from the flowers they are on. What colour is the toadflax? Blue?

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Purple Toadflax H, the native variety, I have let it occur in spaces all over my garden as the Bees love it so & it blossoms earlier than their other love, Wall Germander which is another, paler, purple!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • What other colour would Purple Toadflax be? Dohhh

    Here's a few insects from a walk yesterday,

    Sooty copper

    Provencal Short-tailed blue

    underside of a micro moth Endotricha flammealis

    a Parasitic fly Ectophasia crassipennis

    a Copper Demoiselle which we stopped off to visit on the way home, as you do,

    & there was also a Beautiful demoiselle there too

    There seem to be a lot less butterflies & insects in general this year, cold wet Spring?

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Gorgeous pics of the butterflies. Never seen a Sooty Copper or that parasitic fly. Beautiful Demoiselles have always eluded me although plenty of Banded Demoiselles on my patch. Needs the right habitat I guess.

    Hazel C said:
    There seem to be a lot less butterflies & insects in general this year, cold wet Spring?

    Interesting you say that Hazel, I was just thinking the same. Although I've got quite a lot of bee friendly plants in flower there's a complete dearth of insects in the garden.

    From the sublime to the ridiculously small

    I went on the prowl in the garden looking for hoverflies but the only one I could find was this miniscule little fella (<5mm)  on a flower of Giant Mullein (wild Verbascum). Not a very good photo I'm afraid.

    Using my newly acquired hoverfly book, the best I could come up with is Syritta pipiens but I'm by no means confident. If you or Edge know better please correct me.

    We had a rotten June but it seems to be warming up now so hoping for better things.



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