Just a quick hello, the move went well but too much to do & too little time to do it. I did a moth trap last Friday only 2 days after we finished moving, there over 250 moths & I'm still sorting them. This is one that came to the window soon after we moved, just to whet your appetites.
It's called a Brown China-mark.
Sorry it's a quick visit, will pop in again in a few days!
P.S This is the link to my previous moth thread http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/wildlife/f/13609/t/111255.aspx
Best wishes
Hazel in Southwest France
Thanks for your comments Derek. We've a heat wave coming tonight so that may bring some unusual one's up from the South on the winds.
I did a trap in the garden I go to with woods & lakes on Saturday night, & I'm to 75 species & still counting!! At least 20 new for me & several new for the departement, it's really encouraging!
Sounds brill, I have my trap out tonight, 20C overnight, trouble is its a full moon so to much light overnight. See what happens I will post any newbee's
Hi Hazel as promised the trap produced a large number of Macro and Micro Moths which i lost a large number when opening the trap so nothing photographed, however i had 4 newbies last night... see below, I've tried to name them but i may well need help should they be i'd wrongly
Trap out again tonight....
Here's the 4
Pale Shouldered Brocade
L-album Wainscot
Heart and Club
Beautiful Hook-tip
Lovely to see your Heart & Club, I've never had one, & I think the first is a Dark Arches. I had some crackers 2 nights ago & will be putting out the trap tonight.
I get up before dawn (5h00 here) & leave the light on while I take the photos with a flash, this tends to avoid losing too many!
New moths again last night, I've try again to ID them, I do hope others find it useful to see whats going on by the coast in Devon. One Moth had what looks like parasites around the head...cant believe its still alive...is this unusual?
Blood Vein
Common White Wave
Light Emerald
July High Flyer and Parasites
Scalloped Oak
Lime Speck Pug
Shaded Broad-bar
Lunar Yellow Underwing
Fresher Weather tonight after heavy rain midday today.
I've never seen parasites on a moth like that, but one of the species of dragon-fly I see always has them lined up on the wings & they don't seem to affect it's ability to fly. So maybe it's ok & they just live together happily!
I had a Lime Speck moth last night too! I think the Common wave is a Riband wave, the Shaped Broad bar is a Pyralidae "Endotricha flammealis" common here at the moment, & the Lunar Yellow Underwing is more likely a Large Yellow undewing.
Nothing new in my trap last night, except maybe some micro moths that I haven't looked at yet!
Keep trapping, it's interesting to see what you're getting.
Thanks Hazel ...no one else trapping around the country would like to share their Moths with us? Nothing different last night and heavy rain and Thunderstorms forecast tonight so will not put the trap out tonight but may tomorrow night.
Brilliant pictures,H & d. The moths(apart from a few regulars)seem reluctant to stop at my outside light this year. Saw a Silver Y out in the fields,today.A first for me.
Thanks for that Edge, it's always nice to see moths in their habitat. I see quite a lot of Silver Y out & about but rarely get a photo as they never seem to stop & their wings go so fast they look like a ball!
Perhaps we should call the thread "Our Moths" to encourage other posters! I was thinking of starting an insect thread as I've had a few lovely one's lately & that could be a bit of everything.
Hi, The mind is boggling. I did not know how species of Moths there are. What purpose they serve etc. Getting on a bit and cant believe I have not studded this before. I believe now, I had a Scarce Bordered Straw which died in house. It must have got trapped in at night. Thanx again. Love your entries on here.