Just a quick hello, the move went well but too much to do & too little time to do it. I did a moth trap last Friday only 2 days after we finished moving, there over 250 moths & I'm still sorting them. This is one that came to the window soon after we moved, just to whet your appetites.
It's called a Brown China-mark.
Sorry it's a quick visit, will pop in again in a few days!
P.S This is the link to my previous moth thread http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/wildlife/f/13609/t/111255.aspx
Best wishes
Hazel in Southwest France
I'm glad you had good weather TJ, I think it was wet the last time you went wasn't it? We've had hot & sunny for weeks now. I wish it would cool down a bit & rain!!
Hazel C said: I wish it would cool down a bit & rain!!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
It's a bit better today, a cloudy 20 overnight so I managed to get the new garage roof treated before the shingles go on. It's now 27°C so bearable! However being in has given me a chance to sort out some of my new moths from the last months traps,
first off is this Reed Dagger that took me ages to identify,
a Thistle Ermine (which I thought I had last year & then it wasn't)
a lovely little micro Cosmopterigidae "Pyroderces argyrogrammos "
a rare Noctuidae for our area a Small Marbled,
a probable Oak Nycteoline, it needs a genetilia test to be certain,
a Cream Bordered Green Pea
a gorgeous Gold Spot, really striking colours,
a Wax moth, with a really shifty look in his eye,
a Toadflax Pug
an unusual Pyralidae "Pima boisduvaliella"
& finally (for now) a lace Border
I'll post the rest later! I hope you enjoy them.
More great stuff HinNH ... you'll let us know about that Oak moth then when you've done the 'g' test!! Ha ha
Oh no Wendy, I let them fly free, scientists can keep their precise ID, I rather not know!
A lovely selection Hazel.
My bird photos HERE
Hi another for Hazel to ID...an Exeter Moth we can't find in the book....
Got it, its a Cabbage Moth...not the most exotic common named moth in the world!!
Another beautiful set of Moths, I love the Gold Spot not sure about the Wax, he looks dodgy to me!!
Your Cabbage moth looks more like an Egg moth to me! Ha Ha!
Here are a couple I took down in the south a few days ago both rare & beautiful, great combination.
A Purple-bordered Gold
& my big favourite Acrobasis porphyrella sorry no English name
with a side view
It really is one of my all time prettiest for markings.