The Law Commission consultation closes today (30 November 2012).

Ten minutes of your time could help save wildlife in the UK, every comment counts in this rare opportunity to influence the laws that should protect our wildlife.

Want to help? Have a look at our laws for wildlife page on the link below.

There’s three steps to it –

1 – Say why you think it is important to have laws that protect our wildlife (be as general or specific as you like – I used the plight of the hen harrier in England as an example)

2 – Explain what you would like to see change in the law (you can use our suggestions in the above link such as increased penalties but feel free to add your own)

3 – Send the email to -

Thank you for your time!

  • I have written my e-mail letter on 27/11/'12, and I hope that it will lead to better protection for birds in Great Britain. Here is what I wrote: from my e-mail address:

    E-mail to Tuesday, 27/11/2012.

    Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you, the Public Law Team (Wildlife), Law Commission, Steel House, 11 Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9LJ, because I am a wildlife lover and protector and have been so for all of my life, I was born on 19th November 1965. Throughout the years I wasn't only concerned but also personally affected in very negative ways by people committing crimes against wildlife. I support the idea to interlock a law of A Wildlife Offence making landowners and managers culpable for wildlife crimes committed by their staff, also known as vicarious liability. This offence was introduced in Scotland in 2011 and must be introduced in England and in Wales to cover the whole of Great Britain because I think that it is essential that the law in England and Wales also targets those who are ultimately responsible for wildlife crime. 

    Yours faithfully,..

  • I have written my e-mail letter on 27/11/'12, and I hope that it will lead to better protection for birds in Great Britain. Here is what I wrote: from my e-mail address:

    E-mail to Tuesday, 27/11/2012.

    Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you, the Public Law Team (Wildlife), Law Commission, Steel House, 11 Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9LJ, because I am a wildlife lover and protector and have been so for all of my life, I was born on 19th November 1965. Throughout the years I wasn't only concerned but also personally affected in very negative ways by people committing crimes against wildlife. I support the idea to interlock a law of A Wildlife Offence making landowners and managers culpable for wildlife crimes committed by their staff, also known as vicarious liability. This offence was introduced in Scotland in 2011 and must be introduced in England and in Wales to cover the whole of Great Britain because I think that it is essential that the law in England and Wales also targets those who are ultimately responsible for wildlife crime. 

    Yours faithfully,..

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