It’s that most wonderful time of year (and with Santa’s pending visit) when folk want to put out food for Santa’s reindeer. Now there is no doubt that Rudolf, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen would appreciate the odd carrot and some oats to munch on, it’s worth bearing other wildlife in mind when providing festive food. Birds, for example, will readily polish off any food left out for the reindeer.
Whilst we wholly understand peoples desire to make food attractive, festive glitter can potentially be harmful to birds, so it is best avoided. Why not consider adding some colourful fruit instead; think cranberries, blueberries or apple!
So as to prevent food being taken by unwanted garden visitors, such as rats, why not put the food in a dish or trough up off the ground. If you want to be creative, there is no harm in breaking out the water-based paints and decorating the outside of the trough.
Have a Happy Christmas!The Wildlife team
ChrisGomersall (