Redwing sitting amongst red berries

...or maybe a bit of grey will be more your colour this weekend?

Fieldfare sitting amongst red berries.

This week, our Wildlife Enquiries team have been inundated with queries about these beautiful birds - redwings and fieldfares. So if these birds are now as familiar to you as your usual robin and blackbird, you're not alone.

You see, they might be regular winter visitors, but as they can usually find enough food in the countryside to keep them going they don't really need to bother us humans in their search for juicy bites to eat. However, with the cold weather that's been circulating round the UK recently, these delightful birds have been quite literally flocking into gardens. Making them much more visible to everyone.

So this weekend, keep an eye out for both of these great-looking birds. It might just be your best chance to spot them before they start preparations for their journey back home.

Do let me know if you spot any fieldfares or redwings this weekend. Just leave me a comment below.

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  • Got some great pics of fieldfares in the garden this weekend. They are loving the apples we put out in the snow for them.

  • I am pleased to say that I had four fieldfares in my garden this afternoon and even more in my neighbours front garden.  They were feeding on the red berries in his next step is to find out the name of the bush and definitely make sure I plant one in my garden.

    In order to see birds it is necessary to become part of the silence.
    - Robert Lynd

  • We have had about 30 redwings and field fares in our small garden and adjacent gardens today.  They stripped our holly tree bare of berries!  First time we've seen them as far as we know.  We live in Ealing overlooking a small playing field.  Also saw sparrows, blackbirds, bluetits around same time.  Our bird bath is popular in this cold dry weather.

  • I am so happy to say I had a Fieldfare in my garden today eating apple. Quinton, Birmingham. I have not seen one before.

  • Sorry they were Fieldfares! forgot to say that!