As cinema-goers get excited about the latest Batman movie (looks good, doesn't it?), spare a thought for the mammalian creature that provides inspiration for Bruce Wayne's alter ego.

Sadly, bat numbers are on the slide and these furry masters of our night sky are in need of a little helping hand from all of us.

Pipistrellus pipistrellus in flight

But before we get onto how you can help them, how about spending some time this weekend getting to know them a little better?

Look to the skies!

To see bats, you generally don't have to venture too far from home. I've spend many a pleasant summer evening in my garden watching bats flit around above my head. They can also be spotted hanging around strong light sources, such as streetlamps, taking advantage of the bounty of moths that these features attract.

Most people will see pipistrelles, but there are 18 different bats to see in the UK.

If you can get your hands on a bat detector then this nifty bit of equipment can be used to listen in on the usually hidden world of high frequency calls bats use to 'picture' their surroundings. And as each bat has their own set of unique calls, you can tell them apart.

Bats also have distinctive flight paths that can be used to tell them apart. Check out this handy guide (opens as a PDF) from the Bat Conservation Trust to learn more.

Holy bats in decline, Batman!

UK bat populations have declined dramatically during the past century. The reasons are many and varied, but include the destruction of roosting sites and feeding grounds to make way for buildings and roads.

But by doing our little bit, we can help. So here's my top tips to help bats

  • plants - pale, night-scented flowers that attract nocturnal insects - and ponds both attract insects that bats like to munch on
  • putting up bat boxes provide much-needed extra roosts
  • while dead/hollow wood can also provide great roosting sites
  • compost heaps and log piles encourage insects that bats enjoy eating
  • hedgerows and trees act as corridors along which bats can get from roost to feeding grounds. Larger hedges also provide shelter.

Whether you manage to get out this weekend, or save a performance from the masters of the night sky for another evening, don't forget to let our friends at the Bat Conservation Trust know when you spot a bat by putting your sightings on their Big Bat Map.

Happy bat-hunting!

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  • Lucinda - thanks for replying:-)

    I had already contacted the BCT asking for help, but they said they were too small an organisation to appear at every Public Inquiry, and referred me to the Oxford Bat Group.  

    I also approached BBOWT (I am a long-term member) and PTES (I am also a long-term member).   When all three (Oxford Bat Group, BBOWT and PTES) heard that Natural England were actually *supporting* Deutsche Bahn, and their scheme to run fast trains through this tunnel, (after direct intervention from the Department of Transport!), they all refused to appear and declined to offer me any help:-(  

    I fought a Public Inquiry on my own resources!  The Inspector has yet to issue his Report, but without Natural England's support, what chance do these bats have.

    Have you heard about Natural England and Walshaw Moor?  

    Imagine, I was supporting the conservation of rare species of bat at a Public Inquiry - I was calling only for a speed limit through the tunnel to protect the bats - and I was opposed by Natural England!  I actually had to cross-examine their representative.  It is a disgrace!

    Something very horrible is happening to Natural England.  It is called the Hampton principle (ask about it).  And it threatens all our efforts to save wildlife in this country, under this Government  (watch out for a third London airport placed in a wildlife haven).

    The whole episode has deeply damaged me.  I don't know what else to say.  I am still in shock.

  • Thanks for your bat comments - it's great to hear that even though they are having a tough time, bats are still being seen and enjoyed.

    Keith - I'm afraid I don't know enough about bats and the law to give you advice. It would be best if you contact the Bat Conservation Trust to discuss what (if anything) can be done for these bats. Their contact details can be found here:

    Get all the latest news fromYnys-hir - the home of BBC Springwatch 2011!

  • We have two bats that fly around our garden a couple of times a week. We live in Harrow and I have no idea where they roost.

  • In Wolvercote, north Oxford, we have a narrow railway tunnel which is used by an astonishing 13 species of bat, including two which are rare nationally (Alcathoe and Barbastelle) and the most easterly record in Oxfordshire of the Lesser Horseshoe.  The tunnel is an important commuting route for four species of bat, and is also used as a summer roost, a swarming site, and a winter hibernaculum for a small number, according to a leading bat ecologist, Geoff Billington.

    At the moment, trains using this tunnel are restricted to 30 mph.  However, Deutsche Bahn - trading in this country as Chiltern Railways - have sought permission to strip the tunnel for dual tracking, allowing a new train service to travel through this tunnel at 70 mph!

    What chance will these commuting and foraging bats have facing train speeds of 70 mph in a narrow tunnel?  Why can't we protect this site, if, as you say, bat numbers are dwindling?

  • We have, over the last 25 years, had bat flights up and down the row of front gardens of the terrace of four houses we live in.  We don't see them every night, nor every year and never more than two at a time, but we are always delighted to see them. Funnily enough they were all called Bobby according to our children.  Long may they continue.