You might think that it’s the calm before the storm out there in your garden. That the blackbirds and robins are quietly going about their business in readiness for the upcoming breeding season. But, believe it or not, some birds will actually be putting the finishing touches to nests and settling down to lay eggs. Yes, really!Song thrush on a garden slab. Photo by Chris Gomersall (

Every month

There’s a few early starters you may find in your garden:

As well as being very territorial and chasing away any interloper, robins have actually been found nesting in every month of the year! Usually it’s from early March, but there’s no reason why you won’t spy your garden friend nesting right now. In fact, we've already had calls telling us about nest building.

Look out for song thrushes too. These speckle-breasted songsters also have a prolonged breeding season, and again have been found nesting in most months.

Keep an eye out for blackbirds. Now, like robins,  they start nesting in early March, but we've had reports of nest building and, incredibly, already having feathered chicks.

An urban thing?

It’s been suggested that perhaps it’s an urban thing, what with more hiding places, mainly in garden shrubs, and potentially warmer temperatures than the countryside. This is certainly the case for woodpigeons, with urban pigeons beginning to lay eggs in February. We've had news that their cousins, the much daintier collared doves, are already breeding. They can, in fact, breed all year round if the conditions are right.

Down at the park

Away from your garden, a trip down to your local parkland pond or reservoir may well result in spotting more birds on eggs.

Great-crested grebes can lay eggs anytime from mid-February and, in exceptional cases, even earlier! They build their nests from weeds and twigs, where they’ll hatch out 3-4 stripy youngsters. If not nest-building yet, look out for their elaborate, dancing courtship display.

Take a look in the trees too for a massive, untidy nest. This could well be the work of grey herons. I always think they look a bit ridiculous in trees, but this is where they choose to nest, safe from any ground predators. After laying their eggs during February, 25-26 days later three or more Mohican-hairstyled punks will hatch out. We've seen the herons repairing nests from our viewpoint in Verulamium Park, St. Albans. For the next two months we'll be showing you the goings on at the herony, so why not pay a visit if you're in the area?

What’s breeding in your garden?

Have you seen any evidence of early breeding? Is there a robin in your nestbox? Have you seen a heron sitting on a nest at your local park? Make a comment and let us know what you’ve seen and where you’ve seen it...

For more on our science, check out the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science web pages.

  • Blue tits have been in and out of nest box they bred in last year. Started checking it a month ago, but spend a lot of time in and out when weather is good, and one takes up guard if sparrows around.  However, noticed today that lots of dry grass is visible in one of my 'sparrow terrace' boxes, previously unused, so that's good news. Prob is sparrows, as blue tits prefer moss, which is easily available.

  • I have been feeding my birds regularly for the past few years and have noticed the mating of wood pigeons and nest material collecting. Can anyone tell me how to stop the over friendly squirrels eating everything I put out for the birds. I have tried all the anti squirrel feeders.

  • The blackbirds have been busy collecting dead grass and foliage.Also, there is a pair of wrens that have been going in and out of the same spot behind our oil tank.

  • Has anybody else noticed a massive increase in the number of woodpigeons?  My garden borders farm land, but I have never seen such large flocks before.  AND - I have loads of house sparrows - perhaps because I put up boxes for them a couple of years ago?

  • We have a bird box with a camera which blue tits usually nest in.  All this week a blue tit goes inside hammers on the back of the box and then looks out to see if he has attracted another blue tit.  It is as if he is saying "here, this one is good and I am working in it to make it nice what do you think".  Sometimes there is another blue tit nearby in the hedge.  What do you think is going on?