• Head in the clouds

    Today at Loch Frisa, as we all prepare ourselves for the inevitable, an eagle's head in the clouds is pretty much all that's been visible. The dreich weather continued to cast a gloomy blanket over the forest and loch. And over the eagle's nest . As the rain fell, the soggy head and beak of Frisa (or was it Skye?) was just about visible above the rim of the nest. Sometimes the head shook, sending a small shower…

  • Ups and downs for Frisa and Skye

    First of all, major apologies for the delay. Debby and I are flat out at the moment with monitoring the eagle nests on Mull and trips are also running daily at the hide. There never seems to be a spare moment. I suppose too, if I'm honest,  I've been putting off having to write this news. How can I put this? Things are not going according to plan for Frisa and Skye - or us.

    Despite a good, normal incubation and…

  • Eagle Watch or Siskin Watch?

    At last, we and indeed the eagles, have been enjoying some warm sunshine - and I really mean warm.  In the last week, the larches have started sprouting and have that lovely green hue about them.  The number of sand martins has increased and there is a really frenzy of activity with them relining their burrows.  Peacock and small tortoiseshell butterflies are out and about and a lovely sound to be heard was the welcome return…

  • Let's Stick together!

    As I sit and type this, the rain is lashing against the window and its blowing a hoolie outside.  By complete contrast, yesterday was a beautiful, warm sunny, spring day.  On Wednesday we had snow and blizzards!  There is a saying on Mull that you can experience all four seasons in one day - well it is certainly doing that at the moment -  I daren't put the winter woollies away just yet!

    Well what a week it has been…