• Saturday 20th February is Duck Day At Radipole Lake

    It was lovely morning at Radipole Lake today. The North Hide opened later today at 11:00 a.m., we had to give the boardwalk a few hours to defrost after a chilly night last night. I walked up to the hide to open up and was rewarded with our two Marsh Harriers displaying and a kestrel hovering.


    Preparations are underway at the Discovery Centre for tomorrow's Duck Day where we celebrate our quacking good feathered friends…

  • Radipole's Swan Lake

    Have you every wondered who rings the swans at Radipole Lake? Today I found out! I spend a couple of hours with Derek who rings the swans at Radipole and around the Weymouth are. He invited me to join him in checking the swans and ringing any of last year's young that had not yet been done.

    Here They Come!Feeding the Swans

    The first job was to feed the ducks to lure the swans in. They were all up near the bridge, as soon as the feeding began they…

  • February Events at Radipole Lake

    Hooded Merganser

    It's a dull grey day down here at Radipole Lake. The good news is the water levels are receding and the North Hide is now open. Sightings of the Marsh Harrier have been seen today and Spoonbills made an appearance over at Lodmoor this week.

    Our Hooded Merganser known as "The Hoodie" to volunteers and staff was braving the rain. The Hoodie first arrived in Spring 2008 so he is coming up to his 9th year at Radipole…

  • Get Ready for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch at Radipole Lake

    It was very wet and grey at Radipole Lake this morning, very few birds about. As you can see from the photos I took this morning, the water levels are high. Some areas are flooded, wellies are essential if you are visiting the North Hide or heading over to Lodmoor. As I write this the skies are now blue and the sun has come out.

    Radipole Lake Discovery CentreRadipole Lake Island








    Great Tit and Fat Balls

    The Discovery Centre is running the Big Garden Birdwatch Family Crafts Day…

  • Radipole Lake Reserve Update

    Radipole Lake DucksIt's a beautiful sunny day down here at Radipole Lake. As you might expect after the recent rain, the water levels are higher than normal and the reserve is accessible but muddy in places. The North Hide is open but wellies and caution are required as the boardwalk is flooded or slippery in places. Over on Lodmoor wellies are essential as the reserve is flooded.

    Radipole Lake volunteer, Peter, wandered around the reserve…

  • Why Are We Cutting Scrub and Burning Reeds at Radipole Lake?

    Why Are We Cutting Scrub at Radipole Lake?

    As you wander around the reserve you will notice that some parts have recently been cleared as illustrated in the photos below.

    Scrub ClearanceScrub Clearance








    Over the next three years our reserve team staff & volunteers will be cutting back a large amount of scrub, initially concentrating on paths around the discovery loop. Scrub has many benefits, so we’re not completely getting rid of it…

  • January Events at Radipole Lake

    Happy New Year to you all from the RSPB staff and volunteers at Radipole Lake! The North Hide and boardwalk is unfortunately closed at the moment due to the high water levels. The majority of the reserve is still accessible. On a positive note the Alexanders is starting to flower in the car park and daffodils have been seen close to flowering owing to the current mild weather.

    There are a number of events taking place…

  • Free Bird-watching for Beginners Courses 2016

    The start of a new year is a great time to start a new hobby like bird-watching. The RSPB are running three Bird-watching for Beginners Courses in early 2016 which are aimed specifically at complete novices.  Learn how to identify a range of common birds with friendly experts at a relaxed pace.

    Course Dates:

    Course 1: Tuesday 5th, 12th and 19th January

    Course 2: Tuesday 2nd, 9th and 16th February

    Course 3: Tuesday 1st…

  • Father Christmas is coming to Radipole Lake!

    Father Christmas is watchingSaturday 12th December 1:00 to 3:00 pm

    The staff at Radipole Lake are delighted to announce that a very special guest will be spending the afternoon with us here at Radipole Lake - Father Christmas himself!  Whilst his eight reindeer rest-up for the biggest night of their year, he called the Weymouth Wetlands Discovery Centre to ask if he could visit our Discovery Centre and help our family visitors connect with some of…

  • Binocular Roadshow at Radipole Lake

    Santa BinocularsBinocular and Telescope Day

    Saturday 12th December from 10:00 to 3:30 p.m.

    Come along and browse our extensive range of optics, with experts on hand to advise. Try before you buy, brands to suit all budgets!

    10% off all RSPB products!

    Telephone: 01305 778313 or e-mail: Weymouth.reserves@rspb.org.uk

    Website: www.rspb.org.uk/radipolelake

  • Enjoy The New View at Radipole Lake

    Radipole Lake's patio has been closed to visitors for the past few weeks as it underwent a complete refurbishment and transformation.

      Patio in SeptemberPatio in September







    The above photos show the patio in September before the refurbishment started. The photos below show the work which took place to transform the patio into a terrace.

    Terrace Under Construction









    Terrace under ConstructionBoardwalk Construction

    Terrace Complete

    View from the Pond Dipping Platform overlooking the reedbed.

        Rail Construction Rail Completed


  • BBC's Countryfile Visits Radipole Lake

    On Thursday 29th October we had some visitors to Radipole Lake and they brought some cameras with them...

    BBC Countryfile Filiming at Radipole Lake

    Photo: Ellie Harrison with the film crew and volunteers at the Sand Martin Wall

    The day went really well, the film crew got good footage of kingfisher, marsh harrier and otter signs and some nice chats with the volunteers on the work party. If you want to know what they were actually doing then you will need to…

  • Decorate your own Christmas Cake at Radipole Lake!

    We are pleased to welcome back expert local baker and cake decorator Marion Bakes to host a unique and intimate cake decorating class. A real one off!

    Book now for your chance to decorate and take home your own Christmas Cake this year.

    Tuesday 8th December from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

    Christmas Cake Decorating

    £10 per person

    Booking is essential, please contact the Discovery Centre on 01305 778313 or e-mail Weymouth.reserves@rspb…

  • Binocular Roadshows at Radipole Lake

    Binocular and Telescope Days

    Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th December from 10:00 to 3:30 p.m.

    Saturday 12th December from 10:00 to 3:30 p.m.

    Come along and browse our extensive range of optics, with experts on hand to advise. Try before you buy, brands to suit all budgets!

    Luke with Binoculars

    10% off all RSPB products!

    Telephone: 01305 778313 or e-mail: Weymouth.reserves@rspb.org.uk

    Website: www.rspb.org.uk/radipolelake

  • October Bird Update

    SpoonbillThe first two weeks of October has been exciting for birds. We start with the record breaking news from Arne. They hosted the largest EVER flock of Spoonbills to occur in the UK. At its peak on Thursday 8th October, 60 spoonbills were counted.

    Back here in Weymouth we currently have 3 Spoonbills on Lodmoor, 5 were counted on Monday 12th October. Also on 12th, a ruff was seen, two had been counted the previous week. On the…

  • Radipole Lake's Island Gets a Trim

    Nesting season has now finished and it's a good time to clear the island in front of the Discovery Centre which becomes overgrown during the summer. The main common plants found on the island are Stinging Nettles, Curled Dock, Redshank, Purple Loosestrife, Hemp Agrimony and Mugwort. However one of Radipole's, rarities the Golden Dock (more info on previous blogs) has also made the island one it's homes. So a couple…

  • Bearded Tit Walks at Radipole Lake

    Bearded TitAutumn is one of the best times to see Bearded Tits at RSPB Radipole Lake. Its when they migrate and when they start to erupt. Intrigued? If you've never seen one, or would like to find out more about these beautiful birds, then join our guided walks with an expert.

    Bearded Tit Walk Dates: 

    Wednesday 30th September - 8:00 to 10:30 a.m.

    Friday 2nd October - 8:00 to 10:30 a.m.

    Meet at the Wild Weymouth Discovery Centre…

  • Otter Evenings at Radipole Lake


    Did you know that otters breed right here in the middle of Weymouth? Otters have been sighted at Radipole for the past 10 years. There is a resident female that breeds every year.

    Join us for the evening as we try to track down some signs of these elusive creatures like footprints and smelly spraint (poo) and perhaps if we're extremely lucky, even catch a glimpse of a real otter! This is also an opportunity to visit…

  • Saturday 12th September Binocular and Telescope Day

    Saturday 12th September - Binocular and Telescope Day

    Radipole Lake Discovery Centre are hosting an optics demonstration day from 10:00 to 4:00 pm.  Experts will be on hand to guide you through the range, all profits going back into conservation.

    For further information, contact the Discovery Centre on 01305 778313. No booking required.

  • Kingfishers at Radipole Lake

    This morning I was fortunate enough to see a Kingfisher at the North Hide. This Kingfisher sat for a long time on a branch preening itself giving visitors good views. Kingfishers were also seen throughout the day by visitors at the Discovery Centre.

    Today's sightings are very welcome news for the forthcoming Kingfisher Weekend the Discovery Centre are holding in two weeks time.  Details below:

    Kingfisher Weekend 19th…

  • Great Crested Grebe Chicks

    Great Crested Grebe Chicks can still been seen on Radipole Lake this late in summer. A couple of weeks ago RSPB volunteer David Jones took these photos of a pair of proud Great Crested Grebe parents and their two chicks. When the chicks hatch, they ride on their parents back for the first few weeks.  The chicks are vulnerable to predators in the water and so hitching a lift in this way offers them some safety.  Unlike their…

  • Another Radipole Rarity Makes Its 2015 Appearance

    I have not previously blogged about the Golden Dock as it tends to appear in the conservation areas which are not accessible to the public. Not this year! I am pleased to report the Golden Dock has appeared in very public part of the reserve right next door to the Discovery Centre and under the noses of the DC staff!

    Golden DockGolden Dock












    This a Dorset Rarity. It has long been known at what was it's only site over…

  • Recent Wildlife Sightings – Radipole and Lodmoor


    The Lodmoor Marsh Harrier pair and their 4 fledglings have now dispersed as have the Radipole pair with 2 young.

    There are chicks, ducklings and cygnets about on both reserves. Oystercatchers at Lodmoor have 2 healthy chicks, Mute Swans on both sites have good numbers of cygnets with them. Great Crested Grebe chicks can be seen outside Radipole Discovery Centre and Bearded Tit juveniles may be seen around Buddleia…

  • A midsummer night's siesta

    Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you about the amazing time I had last weekend, I had the pleasure to help at a Big Wild Sleepout! It took place at Arne and we invited 72 people to camp on the Friday night, parents and children from local school in Poole. The RSPB organisers were aiming to engage families to have fun in nature and raise awareness of conservation.  The children were about 5-6 years old, they were lovely…

  • End of a season on Chesil Beach

    Hello everyone, including volunteers old and new! 


    The Little Tern Project at Chesil Beach is a one that aims to help boost the dwindling number of feisty little terns that nest here, in partnership with other land-owners and charities (Natural England,  Chesil Bank and Fleet Nature Reserve, The Crown Estate, Dorset Wildlife Trust and Portland Court Leet). The colony is the only one in the South West- an accolade we…