The past week has seen an enormous influx of hoverflies on Radipole, (also elsewhere I'd assume but cannot confirm as I don't get out much!). I know very little about them other than they are flies that hover and make good photographic subjects if you employ a little patience.

Volucella zonaria (female) above  Eristalis pertinax (male) below.

Myathropa florea (female, summer brood)above; Eupeodes latifasciatus (female? v. difficult to tell from a photo) below.

Episyrphus balteatus (female?) below.


Above, left to right: Melangyna umbellatarum (female); Eristalis pertinax (male?); Can not ID the last one.

Eupeodes latifasciatus (male, again v. difficult from a photo).

Thanks to Chris Dieck RSPB Dorset Heathland Project's resident entomologist for his IDing skills.

  • Here's what I think they are (bearing in mind that I'm new to this)

    1. Volucella zonaria (female)

    2. Eristalis pertinax (male)

    3. Myathropa florea (female, summer brood)

    4. Eupeodes latifasciatus (female, v. difficult to tell from a photo)

    5. Episyrphus balteatus (female?)

    6. Left to right: Melangyna umbellatarum (female); Eristalis pertinax (male)?; Can not ID the last one

    7. Eupeodes latifasciatus (male, again v. difficult from a photo)


  • Here's what I think they are (bearing in mind that I'm new to this)

    1. Volucella zonaria (female)

    2. Eristalis pertinax (male)

    3. Myathropa florea (female, summer brood)

    4. Eupeodes latifasciatus (female, v. difficult to tell from a photo)

    5. Episyrphus balteatus (female?)

    6. Left to right: Melangyna umbellatarum (female); Eristalis pertinax (male)?; Can not ID the last one

    7. Eupeodes latifasciatus (male, again v. difficult from a photo)


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