The past week has seen an enormous influx of hoverflies on Radipole, (also elsewhere I'd assume but cannot confirm as I don't get out much!). I know very little about them other than they are flies that hover and make good photographic subjects if you employ a little patience.
Volucella zonaria (female) above Eristalis pertinax (male) below.
Myathropa florea (female, summer brood)above; Eupeodes latifasciatus (female? v. difficult to tell from a photo) below.
Episyrphus balteatus (female?) below.
Above, left to right: Melangyna umbellatarum (female); Eristalis pertinax (male?); Can not ID the last one.
Eupeodes latifasciatus (male, again v. difficult from a photo).
Thanks to Chris Dieck RSPB Dorset Heathland Project's resident entomologist for his IDing skills.
Oops posted twice d'oh