If this Smew stays any longer, we'll have to give her a uniform and name badge.  Suggestions please..............

Even bringing the Tern rafts in on Tuesday only made her skip to the other side of the Main Lake.

                              'Our' Smew evading the work party, by Ian Forrest. 

The cold and hot all in the same day weather has meant we still have migrant waders on the reserve while the winter birds are arriving.  We now have over 300 Wigeon which have arrived from Finland and Russia, that number will swell to 3,000 mid winter, as well as 14 Ruff, and 4 Greenshank, some of which were photographed by Ian Forrest below:

The other highlights are the Great White Egrets, of which we appear to have 3.  A single bird which has been around for two weeks and another couple which arrived on Sunday.  Although I wouldn't presume they are in fact a 'couple' in case I cause offence.

                               The single Great White Egret, by Ian Forrest.

You wouldn't think he'd bother with such small fish. 

In Otter news, Lauren Teate photographed two Otters on Dorman's Pool this week.  With the young filmed by Ed at Haverton earlier this year, it appears we have two 'families' at Saltholme.  Although both females could be paired with the same male, as larger male territories often hold several smaller female territories.