The small and invisible birds have caused most of the excitement this week, with a Yellow-browed Warbler around the car park and up to 3 possible Cetti's Warbler calling and singing in the reeds around Bottom Tank and at Dormans's Pool.  Naturally, as these birds are invisible, I have no photographs to show you.

Large and only slightly more visible, are the Bitterns which fly from one clump of reed to another.  We think we currently have 3 birds, as two have been seen together at Haverton while a third bird was seen from the Wildlife Watchpoint Hide. 

One of this weeks Haverton Bitterns, by Mark Stokeld.

Considerably more visible are the Great White Egrets, Gloria the Smew and 34 Little Grebes, taking advantage of our never ending small fish supply. 

Little Grebe by Mark Stokeld

They are very evident at the Wildlife Watchpoint.  Look for bubbling in the water and soon a Little Grebe will pop up.