Several wild geese come to Saltholme during the winter - and so do a few feral, white geese. But his last few days we have had a visit from a Snow Goose. This white goose has black tips to the wings and these can clearly be seen on this bird. I have not yet been able to get a photo.

Over the last few years the Barnacle Geese visiting us have increased and Lockhart did get a good view yesterday.

As they move to their breeding grounds they are slowly reducing in number here on the reserve.

While looking for the Snow Goose today some visitors saw a ripple on the Haverton Hole pool and saw a couple of Otters. We have seen evidence of them but this time - in broad daylight - they were seen. There are fish in the pool and recently I saw a large eel in saltholme West near the main road. Hopefully that is enough to keep them here.