1 - Eat soup
2 - Row a boat
3 - Play tennis (sort of)
4 - Wedge a door open
5 - Prize a fence rail off (it might break)
6 - Throw a small pancake
7 - Remove a bicycle tyre
8 - Keep some loose screws
9 - Put loads of sugar in a cup of tea
10 - Easily win an egg and spoon race
Of course all these would require removing the bill from the bird, which we would never want to do.
So we should just marvel as it sweeps through the water, slightly open, and the moment a small fish, crustacean or insect is felt on the inside of the bill, it is snapped shut.
Five Spoonbills came to Saltholme on the 8th May. The four Juveniles departed after a few days, but this adult is still with us, frequenting either Back Saltholme or the wet grassland. If that is too far away for you, there are a pair of Water Rails feeding two new chicks in front of the Phil Stead Hide. Water Rails have a slightly curved orange bill ?????............