Good morning. I am pleased to let you know that the Glossy Ibis is still on site.
We opened again at 8am this morning and it was very atmospheric if chilly morning with a low mist over the meadow. After a fifteen worrying minutes of being unable to locate the Ibis, there he was in his usal place along the back fence line having a snooze so his head was tucked under his wing and gazing through the mist there was just a brown blob. But hurrah his head came up and he started to feed working his way along the fence line, relief!
At around 9.30 the Glossy Ibis decided to go for a fly round, at first he was headed north towards Amwell then he turned and looped back round along the A414 and the sewage works back over the meadow and landed down in front of the Draper Hide. So we headed round to the hide to see if we could find him, he was very close to the hide but sadly he did not stay long and looked like he was heading back on to the meadow. However when i got back tot he lapwing hide there was no sign of him. Fortunatly after half an hour the Ibis re appeared flying back in to the meadow and landing in the usual place along the back fence line.
So a bit of an exciting morning.
I do hope you have all come down and see the Glossy Ibis, if you have not made it yet we are open as usual on saturday 10-5 but sunday the lapwing hide and car park will again be open from 8am for those of you who like to be out and about first thing. Whenever possible we will also have a member of staff or volunteer in the hide to point out the Ibis and answer any questions you may have (although we may have to consult a book or two if they are a bit complicated)
Lots of other birds to see on site including redwing, male pintail, green sandpiper and redpoll.
Hope to see you soon