Over recent weeks many of you have commented on the coloured stakes that have appeared dotted around the draper area, mostly what are they for? Well these are all to do with the reprofiling works that we are having undertaken in this area to improve the scrape for passage waders. The stakes are marking out the patterns of the different ground levels so our contractors can see where the soil needs moving. Once all this work is done the area will be flooded up for the remainder of the winter (with some new islands exposed) then as we drop the water levels through the spring and summer a new area of fresh mud (excellent wader food habitat) will be exposed to pull in all those hungry passing waders at each level. Yey! fingers crossed for something good and twichable!
Our contractors BW Services Ltd arrived on site this morning to start work on this project, which is very exciting. They will be using a 360 digger to reprofile areas and move spoil around the site. This will be driven by Mark, a very skilled chap, and it is great to watch him manoeuvring and intricately creating areas with such a huge machine.
So over the next couple of weeks you should see quite a change in this area. Below are some pictures i took today of the area before work commenced and i will keep you updated as the works progress. Added bonus the Truxor is starting tomorrow as well, so it's all go here. Great fun! As well as serious conservation work in action, of course!
A couple of before pictures
Sorry for any disturbance and inconvienence this work may cause to your visit at the moment but when complete this will provide perfect conditions for waders and come the spring they should be dropping out of the sky!