Well... that was Christmas.... and what a difference a couple of days makes.... water levels have risen sharply and the marsh has become more water than grassland now with the myriad of pools bleeding together to form larger bodies...
The wind is still in the south west and it is currently blowing another houlie outside with flocks of Wigeon reaching mach II... backwards.
The male Marsh Harrier has been out quartering Wennington and Richard has just mended the destroyed feeding station around the centre and the finches, sparrows and doves are already appreciative.
The trails are also rather damp today and you will need wellies to complete a full circuit as the western trail and the end of the northern trails are both under water.
Hope to see some of you later or over the weekend....

Please note that although I would like to be in Dorset looking at a Brunnich's Guillemot, I am not there and this is being typed from reception..... ! honest guv!
