The Big Garden Birdwatch is nearly here - it's this weekend.

All you need to do is spend an hour over the weekend of 24-25 January counting the birds in your garden. It's that simple!

I remember taking part in  the Big Garden Birdwatch with my Mum and Dad when I was little. We would watch the wildlife in our garden while eating pudding after our Sunday roast!

Not only is it fun and easy - it helps the RSPB get an idea of the 'health' of the countryside. Bird population numbers are an indicator on how well species are doing (which will link to how much food and habitat there is - which will affect ALL nature) so that we can try and help. In previous years the RSPB saw big declines in house sparrows - so we did lots of research to find out why, and created projects to help the house sparrow.

If you would like something to help you count the birds in your garden you can download our counting sheet.

So this weekend what we would like you to do is spend an hour over the weekend of 24-25 January counting the birds and other creatures in your garden. It's that simple! The more people involved, the more we can learn. So, grab a cuppa and together we can all help to give nature a home.