Pulborough Brooks has now launched a family volunteering scheme, encouraging families to get closer to nature, make new friends, learn new skills and make a genuine contribution to nature conservation. During the days you will have the opportunity to get involved with a variety of tasks including wildlife surveys and practical conservation tasks designed with 5 to 14 year olds (and their parents and grandparents) in mind. The volunteering days will be on the second Saturday of each month running from 11 am to 3 pm.
Our group has already helped to create a new education area complete with bug hotels, helped plant a wildflower meadow, surveyed our ditches and constructed a reptile habitat pile. Here are some photos of the group in action in July:
Clearing the bracken
Giving bugs a home!
It's thirsty work!
Our September session (Saturday 13 September) will be themed around trees - we'll be searching for and then mapping the veteran trees on the reserve, learning about how important they are for wildlife and how to work out their age. We'll also include some tree-based games and crafts.
The activities are free. We ask you to bring a packed lunch and we will provide tea, soft drinks and biscuits at the end of the session. If you are interested in finding out more and becoming one of our wildlife heroes please get in touch with Anna via email pulborough.brooks@rspb.org.uk