Christmas keeps the postmen and women busy delivering tidings and wishes from friends and relatives. We send over a billion cards in the UK each Christmas and all those used stamps can be put to good use raising funds for our Albatross Appeal.


17 out of 22 species of albatross are threatened with extinction. Each year, 100,000 albatrosses drown following capture on some of the billion baited hooks used by long-line fishing boats. That's why, together with Birdlife International partners, we set up Operation Ocean Task Force to train people to work with fishermen at sea, showing them simple ways to avoid catching the birds on their fishing lines. Albatrosses only have one chick at a time - so population recovery is slow and makes prevention of the problem an urgent issue.

So if you would like to help, simply collect all your used stamps and pop into our Visitor Centre where we have a stamp collection box.

For more information on the appeal check our website