Hi Everybody
First may I wish all of you a Happy New Year and let's hope it's a successful one for Orkney's birds.
The programme for 2013 has already largely been planned and, of course, includes all the usual favourite outings. This year, though, we will give Westray a miss and visit the island of Eday in June instead. There is also a planned outing to Shapinsay in April - the perfect time to visit this popular island. I am pleased to report that the Gloup Trips will be going ahead this year after they had to be cancelled in 2012 due to unforeseen circumstances. A full diary of events will reach members in spring.
I'm pleased to report that we have again been given permission for bag-packing at the Co-op store in Kirkwall and this will take place on Friday 24th & Saturday 25th May. I hope we will be able to repeat - or indeed surpass - last year's total of £514.43. I have also approached Tesco once more so will give more news on this when I hear from them.
Big Garden Birdwatch
This takes place on the weekend of 26th/27th January. Last year saw the second largest Birdwatch on record with almost 600,000 people taking part and over 9 million birds counted. Here in Orkney we like to play our part so I hope members will be keen to join in. Every RSPB member will be sent a form with Birds magazine this month giving full details. Please spare an hour on either day and submit your results either by post or online. Thanks.
Winter Bird Race - Sunday 3rd March
An early reminder about this event where teams of 4 or 5 travel around spotting birds as they go, then meet up at the Lynnfield Hotel afterwards. I will give further details later - a date for your diaries just now. It is hoped to raise a few funds for the RSPB by bringing along a collecting tin this time.
Spring Meeting - Thursday 7th March
Once again we are joining members of the SOC for an illustrated talk by Edmund Fellowes entitled Some Bird Photography Adventures in Dumfriesshire. It's at the St. Magnus Centre, Kirkwall starting at 7.30 pm. This sounds a very interesting subject and bound to be lots of photos which we like! I'll give another reminder nearer the date.
SOC Meeting - Thursday 7th February
RSPB members are always welcome to attend SOC events so some of you might like to attend this one when Jeremy Brock gives a talk entitled 'Spanish Steppes: Birds of the Laguna de Gallocanta' It takes place at the St. Magnus Centre, Kirkwall at 7.30 pm.
Photo Competititon
In association with the Orkney Camera Club the RSPB Local Group is running a photographic competition under the title “Wild Orkney: the Way I See It”. The competition is open to Orkney residents and visitors of all ages and photos should focus on one of the following categories:
Wild Open Spaces
Wonderful Colours of Orkney
Waves and Water
Wondrous Nature in Detail
The competition runs until the 30th March 2013. Entries should be dropped off at “Visit Orkney”, the Travel Centre, West Castle Street, Orkney, KW16 3AG or posted (clearly labelled “Photographic Competition”) to RSPB, 12-14 North End Road, Stromness, Orkney, KW16 3AG.
Visit http://www.orkneycommunities.co.uk/orkneycameraclub/ for
further information and to download an entry form.
Time is going by; I bet Santa delivered a few shiny new cameras to some of our members so what better opportunity to put them to the test! I hope some of you have a crack at this competition and make all the planning worthwhile.
RSPB Orkney Newsletter
I know it's a bit late to mention it now but I am sure that members will agree that this was a super read and will appreciate the work which went into producing this most attractive publication - both by the wardens involved also Morag in the office and Graham Brown.
Member Kate Barrett really enjoyed reading her copy and remarks as follows: Hi everyone who contributed - I think the Newsletter is brilliant, keep up the good work. Kate.
Raise a glass to the RSPB!
Some of you will have spotted a piece in the Orcadian that the Orkney Brewery in Quoyloo is working with the RSPB to help the endangered Corncrake which migrates from Africa to Orkney to breed. The brewery's Corncrake Ale was named by brewery owner Norman Sinclair after he heard a corncrake calling at Quoyloo. Now, for every bottle of Corncrake Ale sold 50p goes towards conservation work on behalf of the species. A fine gesture from this local brewery. Look out for Corncrake Ale in local shops and supermarkets.
Other ways to raise funds
In these hard times, when I am sure charities are feeling the pinch, there are a couple of other ways to raise funds without it even costing us a penny. . . . .
RSPB Credit Card
I noticed when I was last on the RSPB website that a grand total of £36 will be paid to the RSPB if you apply for an RSPB credit card during January. Our charity will also benefit from purchases using the card. The card is provided by the Co-op Bank. I have had one of these for several years now and it's nice to think I am doing some good for the RSPB while I'm on a spending spree!
Everyclick is a great little earner
Every now and then I remind members about the search engine Everyclick which gives money to your chosen charity each time you search the internet. I find it every bit as efficient as other search engines and have made it my home page. Andy Mitchell first told me about Everyclick so I should hope he will still be a devotee.
Just search Everyclick then select the RSPB as your chosen charity.
Give as you Live
This is run in conjunction with Everyclick and is a really great way of raising decent amounts for the RSPB at no extra cost to ourselves.
Like me, I expect a lot of our members buy goods online. Now an increasing number of companies have agreed to donate to charity each time goods are ordered. Marks & Spencer, Matalan, House of Fraser, John Lewis, Craghoppers - the list goes on - will all donate. One of my favourite firms Green People give a whopping 5% of the order total so you can see the money really does mount up. Travel companies such as Trainline and various holiday firms also give - it seems to be a trend which is growing by the day. Everyclick will keep you informed as your total raised grows.
If you want to make a New Year Resolution that is easy to keep and will help the RSPB tremendously please go to Everyclick then register for Give as you Live. Thanks!
Stamps Please Hope you have all saved your Christmas stamps towards the RSPB Save the Albatross Campaign. Please deliver to SAS Supplies, 4 Laing Street, Kirkwall or the RSPB Office in Stromness. If foreign stamps can be separated this would be helpful. Many thanks.
A Couple of nice sightings
I haven't had much of interest around here at Sunnybank lately although 30 greenfinches feeding on sunflower seeds on the lawn this morning were an eye-opener.
Paul Hollinrake was first-footing on Shapinsay when he saw a fine male Great Tit on a feeder at the house he was visiting - a rare sight for Orkney.
My favourite bird item is from our chairman Dick Matson who reported a pair of Stonechats at the Hobbister Reserve on 10th January. This brought the following reply from RSPB warden Alan Leitch:
Great news Dick about the Hobbister Stonechats , no records in 2011 or 2012. The revival continues, unless the cold snap coming creates a setback. An unexpected surprise today opposite our house in Finstown 4 LONG-TAILED TITS making their way along the Old Finstown Road in a South Easterly direction, last seen flying towards the edge of the village. Cheers Al
Well, I think that's about it for now. It's nice to get back into routine after the long break for festivities.
Best wishes Pauline W/Local Group Sec.