The Loons 'Surgery session' this morning was well attended with 19 folk calling past over the duration and most  left after seeing fantastic views of a Water Rail swimming across an open channel with nesting material. It is possible that an earlier nest has failed and this is their second attempt? It went back & forth several times (although, had a short break when I decided to train the camera on it!). Finally, the bird got over being camera shy ... just a pity I don't have a 500mm lens and an ability to focus!!


Water Rail - Carrying nesting material was today's star of the show. However, a supporting cast of Mallard with broods of 3, 4, & 5 ducklings, Tufted Duck with 7 ducklings, Curlew chicks in the distance, Arctic Terns, Snipe drumming, Grey Heron, Little Grebe viewable (just) on a nest. Entertaining too were the House Sparrows, Reed Bunting & Sedge Warblers all collecting food around the emergent bogbean and reeds. One visitor reported a rare sighting of a Red-necked Phalarope at our nearby Loch of Banks reserve.

Until next time. Al