A quick update on how the Orkney Local Group bag packing events went recently.
At Tesco last Friday/Saturday 18th and 19th October, thanks to the time so willingly given and the unfailing generosity of the people of Orkney we made the magnificent total of £1285.88. This was made up of £660.88 on the Friday (until 6 pm) and £625.00 on the Saturday (until 5 pm).
Many thanks to all those who were there on the front line battling with the giant bottles of cola, etc. etc.!!
Volunteers were as follows: Anne Bignall, Katy Norbury, Pauline Wilson, Graham Brown, Sue Whitworth, Frances Seator, Barry O'Dowd, Rebecca O'Dowd, Pat Sinclair, Lindsey Taylor, Grierson Collister, Beverley W, Julian Branscombe, Susan Kingston, Maggie Currie, Penny Martin, Kate Barrett, Thelma Irvine, Doreen Sinclair, Brian Wright, Jean Wright, Pat Matson, Morag Wilson, Grace Currie, Gemma Train, Andy Knight, Jean Williams, Eileen Macdonald, Gemma Macdonald, Cristina Bolumer Ferrando.
Thanks also to John and Pat Sinclair for helping with the mammoth task of counting the money.
Add to this the amount of £386.45 from bag-packing at the Co-op at the end of May and the RSPB Orkney Local Group has raised a grand total of
A fantastic effort!