After terrible weather on the Saturday, it was a relief to
find a much better day on March 4th when the 7 teams toured the mainland
counting species along the way.

Some rarer birds were seen - American wigeon, Tree Sparrow,
Hawfinch, Mistle Thrush and Snow Goose (I was privileged to see the wigeon,
snow goose and hawfinch - the latter thanks to the good sportsmanship of a
rival team who allowed competitors to have a telescopic view of this beautiful

After bird-spotting for eight and a half hours, the winning
team once more emerged as Alistair Forsyth, Julian Branscombe, Barry &
Linda Hamill who amassed a total of 91 species.The runner-up team
with 88 points - Malcolm Russell, Thelma Irvine, Willie and Pauline Wilson; third was
Steve Sankey with his wife and young son - they did well with only 3 members.

A total of 107 species was seen on the day - it is thought this is a record.

After the race some of the participants enjoyed a meal at the Lynnfield Hotel.

Many thanks to Malcolm Russell for supplying these facts and
figures - Malcolm says this is one of the best bird races ever and I can only
agree with him. A photo of the winning team is below:

Winning Team: Alistair Forsyth, Julian Branscombe, Linda Hamill, Barry Hamill. Photo Pauline Wilson.