Sizewell C Given the go ahead

Sizewell C given the go ahead. The RSPB have been been quiet about this possibility over the last few month, after the last pierce of information. Another question why the lack of media news about Minsmere itself on national TV and Radio and the possible of the harm that could be done to Minsmere. There may have been more news on local TV and Radio about Minsmere. Every time I’ve listened on national TV and Radio it’s always been mentioned about Sizewelll C! and nothing about Minsmere!Why is that? As a life member of the RSPB and a member since the early 1970’s. I will praise conservation organisations when needed including the RSPB. But on this occasion and through this process I have to say I’ve been disappointed on the national media about the lact of information provided by the RSPB in the national media about Minsmere and always about Sizewell C. I’m going to be honest as at this present moment in time I’m very disappointed by the RSPB’s handling of this and I feel so sad to have to say that!



  • Sizewell C has NOT yet been given the go-ahead, though we all know the government is keen, hence them putting up cash to demonstrate it.


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  • Statement from the RSPB!



  • The final approval has yet to be given but surely is a formality. BOJO has previously intimated that tree-huggers and bunny-huggers will not delay major infrastructure projects. This one will proceed but rather like HPC will run beyond time and over budget. The £100 million represents just 0.5% of the estimated costs of £20 bn at today - but likely the final cost will be nearer £25 bn.

    Hugely disappointing - MINSMERE and its wildlife/flora and fauna is likely to suffer for 10-12 years and then take another 2-3 years to recover.

    The secretary of state does not care since he is merely a temporary custodian of the role.
  • Thank you for raising this Thomo - and subsequently sharing our position n this - which I paste again below. You can keep up with all the latest information relating to our campaign at

    The RSPB is shocked to hear that the government will be investing £100 million of tax payer's money in Sizewell C before a decision has been made to build it. The government claim to want to be a world leader in their response to the nature crisis. That’s a great ambition, but it is utterly incompatible with throwing £100 million at a development that could have catastrophic impacts on nature.
    The RSPB, other charities and organisations have just spent a gruelling six months engaging with the Planning Inspectorate’s examination process, expected to report next month. We trust that the Secretary of State will follow the Planning Inspectorate’s advice before making a final decision on Sizewell C.
    RSPB Minsmere is incredibly important for both people and wildlife. Over 104,000 people have taken action to show that they Love Minsmere and to say that Sizewell C must not go ahead given its potential environmental impacts. We hope that the Secretary of State will listen to these voices and make the right decision for people and wildlife
    Minsmere casework; Minsmere and Sizewell C.



  • It's official - it's going ahead. Like I'm remotely surprised.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • You can read a statement from Beccy Speight at
    We'll comment further once the team have had a chance to read the government decision fully
  • A legal challenge is being mounted.  See here.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.