The title says it all really. I arrived on site this morning thinking the car park would be empty and any potential visitors would have looked outside their bedroom windows, seen the rain hammering down and decided to stop in bed. Easy day I thought. Catch up with paperwork I thought.
No way Jose! The car park was crammed with cars, people, waterproofs, umbrellas - was this a retake from the 'Singin' in the rain' movie?
Among all the clamour were 22 very eager Beavers from the Acorn Beaver Group. They were here to do stream dipping and then take part in our reserve Treasure Hunt! Since we set up the hunt in May we have been inundated by visitors wanting to take part. The Treasure Hunt takes you all over the PlayMeadow and Woodland Trail and is great fun. Devised by our Life Long Learning Officer, Rebecca (this lady sometimes adopts the mental age of 8 years old so that she can make her games so much fun), the Treasure Hunt should not be missed this summer holiday!
See you on the reserves,
Best regards,
Chris Edwards