Another great week at Barnacle Cottage!

Just back from a lovely holiday in Barnacle Cottage - reserve looking beautiful - and despite being flooded in two days - (and heavy rain, thunder and lightning)- also had some glorious warm sunshine - sitting outstide the cottage with a cup of tea in October is not bad!!

As ever, lovely friendly staff and volunteers - and great to see  Becky and her new baby boy.

Unfortunately, did not manage to see the kingfisher (really nice shot, Sheila) but did get a couple of fantastic views of the female hen harrier, and got a close view of a couple of snipe.   Also, saw lots of other lovely birds including pintail (so elegant), shoveler, great spotted woodpecker, stonechat, and tree creeper, teal, mallard, wigeon, and, of course, lots of geese.

Will post some photos - unfortunately AF not working well so could be sharper.



  • and another great week October 2013.   unfortunately got flooded in (again)!   Friendly staff and volunteers as ever - good to meet you (again - or for the first time).   one advantage of a lot of rain - great clouds and rainbows.   nice to see Red Admirals as late on as that.