• Every Survey Counts!

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 27th January – 2nd February 2024

    The weather has been a mixed bag this week at Mersehead with rain, wind and blue skies, however, it did stay dry over the weekend for the Big Garden Birdwatch! We had plenty of birds that came to feed on our feeders outside the visitor centre, including Yellowhammer, Tree Sparrow and even a few Pheasants!


    View of the Sulwath garden. Photo credit: A. Mulrane…

  • Choose Just One Hour

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 20th – 26th January 2023

    Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey. Every year, hundreds of thousands of nature lovers like you take part, helping to build a picture of how garden birds are faring.

    How Do I Take Part?

    • Sign up to the survey on the RSPB website here:
    • Spend 1-hour watching the birds in your patch, this can be a garden, balcony, or in your local park…
  • Hitting the ground running

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 13th January – 19th January 2024

    We may still be in the midst of winter, but our warden team and volunteers are already busy with a flurry of tasks to prepare the reserve’s habitats for the 2024 breeding season and emergence of spring wildlife.

    Giving Natterjack Toads a fighting chance

    This week, with the help of a Species on the Edge volunteer group, we cleared a large swathe of willow…

  • Waxwing Lyrical

    RSPB Mersehead Blog – 12th January – 19th January 2024

    What a wonderful start to 2024 we have had at Mersehead!  Our year began with an impressive 65 species long bird list (see last week’s blog), and this week we were fortunate enough to have a very special visitor, Waxwing.  Drier, milder weather in the last week has meant reserve staff, volunteers and visitors alike have been able to enjoy the spectacle…

  • Another Year, Another list

    RSPB Mersehead Blog - New Years Day 2024 Bird List

    Below are all the species seen, in chronological order, at RSPB Mersehead on the 1st January 2024 between 10am and 3pm.

    Barnacle Goose
    Tree Sparrow
    Mute Swan
    Song Thrush
    Little Egret
    Pied Wagtail
    Mistle Thrush
    Collared Dove
    22. Linnet

    Flock of Linnet along the sand dunes.


  • The End is Nigh

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 16th – 22nd December 2023

    The December Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) has been completed this week. Seven species of wader were recorded at the high tide point with 971 Oystercatcher, 21 Grey Plover, 221 Curlew, 3340 Dunlin, 41 Ringed Plover, 3140 Knot, 1 Sanderling and 1 Black-tailed Godwit recorded. Lapwing and Redshank have been feeding in the field directly behind the car park. Wildfowl have been…

  • A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Volunteers from a Reserve at the Heart of the Community

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 10th December – 16th December 2023

    It can be easy to assume that an RSPB reserve like Mersehead is all about the huge variety of wildlife that can be seen on or flying over the reserve.  Whilst the reserve does indeed provide a matrix of different habitats that support a variety of species, it is important that we highlight the significant contribution our volunteers play and the links and bonds…

  • The Golden Hour

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 2nd December – 9th December 2023

    Perhaps one of the most awe-inspiring times on the reserve is that last hour before sunset where everything gets bathed in a reddish hue and golden light. It’s easy to get distracted by the sunsets at this time, especially when we’re on a mission to complete our bird counts. But, every now and then we just have to stop ourselves and gaze around to appreciate the…

  • Frozen Over

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 25th November – 1st December 2023

    With temperatures dropping to -5oC on the coast it has been no surprise that layers of ice have spread across the wetlands. From Bruiach Hide, the distinctive call of Wigeon can be heard drifting across the frozen water. From the deeper pools within the reedbed, great swirling clouds of wildfowl appear in mixed flocks including Shoveler, Pintail, Teal and Mallard. The…

  • Mersehead Mammals and Marvellous Murmuration at Our Meida Hide

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 18th – 24th November 2023

    Heavy rainfall over the weekend meant water levels were high at the start of the week across the reserve.  While changing water levels across the reserve can bring challenges for our reserve team i.e., flooding issues, they ensure that the reserve provides a range of dynamic and differing habitats for our species, resident and migrant.  

    A good example of this would be the…

  • Keep your ears open for the Cetti’s Warbler

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 11th – 17th November 2023

    For our keen birders out there, you’ll be interested to know that our staff heard the loud, piercing call of the Cetti’s Warbler on Thursday at our Meida Hide whilst conducting our reserve wetland bird survey. The Cetti’s Warbler (pronounced chetty) is a shy wee bird that you’re most likely to hear before seeing. Typically, this species’ range has been Northern…

  • Reedbed Acrobatics

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 4th – 10th November 2023

    With some cold but sunny days this week, it has become really noticeable how stark and bright the reserve is in the autumnal sunlight. As the leaves fall from the trees and hedgerows it has become much easier to spot the tiny Goldcrests flitting from branch to branch. Fieldfare and Redwing are feeding on the bright red berries whilst Long-tailed tit follow each other from tree…

  • A land of plenty

    Mersehead Blog 28th October - 3rd November 2023

    Opportunities for you

    Saturday saw the first session with our new Forest School teacher.  We are really grateful Ed has picked up the reins (or should that be rain this week...?!) to keep Forest School running here and it was great to see some of our regular families returning to support him.  Forest School is a great way to learn how to toast marshmallows over your own fire…

  • Banqueting Badgers pass the Baton onto Berry Loving Thrushes

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 21st – 27th October 2023

    The week began with the final in our series of three Badger Banquets, run as part of the #WildGooseFestival2023.  Once more spectators were treated to a fine display of foraging from four of our resident friends.  Overall, the events have proven hugely popular with all three selling out.

    The badgers were not the only species dining out this week.  The fruiting Hawthorn in…

  • Close encounters of the wild kind

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 14th – 20th October 2023

    Badgers and wintering wildfowl galore

    We kicked off this week with perfect conditions for an evening to enjoy a Badger Banquet, an event where visitors get an up-close, exclusive viewing of our residential Badgers from the comfort of the Sulwath Centre. This ticketed event is part of the region’s #WildGooseFestival2023.

    A few badgers showed up in all their black…

  • Wintry

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 7th – 13th October 2023

    It has certainly started to feel wintry on the reserve with overnight temperatures dropping to 2oC. Winter migrants have been returning with a flock of 60 Redwing seen on Rainbow Lane on Monday. Fieldfare, Mistle Thrush and Brambling have also been recorded.

    This week has seen the team busy with bird surveys. On Wednesday a co-ordinated count of the Solway Estuary for…

  • The Wildflower Trailer

    RSPB Mersehead blog 30th September – 6th October 2023

    We began the annual task of autumn cutting and nutrient stripping our wildflower meadows this week. It is important to remove the cut vegetation to ensure the soil remains nutrient poor which helps keep grasses at bay and allows wildflowers to thrive.


    We were joined by a herd of spectators from the adjoining field who helpfully formed a work party to help…

  • They’re here – the Barnies have landed!

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 23rd – 29th September 2023

    It’s been a wet and wild week, in more ways than one! Storm Agnes blew in with a mighty force, leaving a noticeable mark on the shoreline. Our public access road flooded a couple of times due to heavy rainfall and run-off from the hills.

    Shoreline after Storm Agnes. Photo Credit: A. Hallatt

    We sincerely apologise if the flood road closures affected your ability…

  • Floodgates Open!

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 16th – 22nd September 2023

    The week began with heavy rain causing the public access road which leads up to the reserve boundary to flood. Our team were quick to respond and made sure visitors were kept safe and informed of what was going on.


     Minor Flooding Photo Credit R.Chambers 

    The resulting weather did bring vital benefits to the reserve, compartments which have been dry all summer transformed…

  • Return from Iceland

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 9th - 15th September 2023

    There is a sudden Autumnal feeling at Mersehead with glistening cobwebs greeting the early risers. The nights are noticeably drawing in, the leaves are turning golden and birds are flocking together. The hedgerows are bursting with bright scarlet berries on the Hawthorn and Rowan trees which will provide a fantastic food source for returning winter migrants such as Redwing and…

  • Summer Revisited

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 2nd – 8th September 2023

    September is a transitional month, when anticipation grows as we await the arrival of the Barnacle Geese from Svlabard.  However, whilst the UK is in the midst of a heat wave – with temperatures in South West Scotland reaching the high 20’s – it is hard to believe that the stars of our winter show are less than a month away.   There are a few sights to…

  • Comings and goings

    RSPB Mersehead Blog – 26th August – 1st September

    As warm summer breezes give way to cooler temperatures, more species are beginning to set off on their migratory journeys. There’s still plenty to see at the reserve though, including some nightly entertainment provided by our resident wildlife.

    Caught on camera

    Our camera traps caught these fellas along one of our tracks – a Roe Deer stopping…

  • Treasured Memories

    RSPB Mersehead Blog 19th - 25th August 2023

    My two weeks of work experience at Mersehead has certainly given me the opportunity to develop many skills and receive excellent insight into the varied nature of conservation work – from habitat management to species surveying; from unpicking Owl Pellets to a ride in the tractor to check on the cows…

    Checking on the cows. Photo credit: E. Harvey

    It would be impossible…

  • A Cutter Above the Rest!

    RSPB Mersehead Blog – 12th- 18th August

    Our Saturday morning work party began preparations for our Family Fun Day which was fast approaching on Thursday. Bird boxes were cut, sawn, nailed and sanded ready for the big day along with medallion making which would be available for children to decorate on the day. Signs and banners were recycled and painted to help inform people of what was on offer (no plastic laminates…

  • An Improvement in the Weather

    RSPB Mersehead Blog – 5th- 11th August

    With slowly improving weather, visitors have been able to fully enjoy the wildlife and landscapes of Mersehead. Some visitor highlights include Spotted Flycatchers and Tawny Owls in the woodland, Dunlin and Ringed Plovers on the shore and flocks of Linnets across the fields!

    Buzzard in flight. Photo credit: Josh Shaw

    Although it is a quieter time of year for bird species,…