I've just returned from a few days away feeling pleased with myself having watched 6 Buzzards soaring above the Lake District Fells and 1 being mobbed by 25 Swifts, but that was nothing compared to reports from the Marshside area this week. As many as 18 Buzzards have been seen at one time and smaller numbers were frequently seen on the reserve along with other raptors such as Merlin, Marsh Harriers, Peregrines including adult and juvenile birds.  Flocking Finches including as many as 800 Goldfinches on one occasion have delighted a visiting Hobby.

Sightings from the Old Sand Road included 2000+ Dunlin, 200+ Golden Plover, 200+ Grey Plover (some still  in summer plumage),  at least one Bar-tailed Godwit and small groups of knot along with around 100 Ringed Plover.

If all that wasn't enough excitement  20+ Pink-footed Geese were spotted flying north over Churchtown  this morning.