• 15 December - 7 January

    Recent sightings blog Lochwinnoch 15 Dec 2014 - 7 Jan 2015

    The old year finished up on the reserve with some nice sightings though there were no additions to the yearlist, the total for 2014 thus ending on 122 species. The slavonian grebe was seen again on the Barr Loch on 23 - 28 Dec with a ringtail hen harrier also there on 27 - 28 Dec, a woodcock by the River Calder on 28 Dec and 34 whooper swans were at Aird Meadow…

  • Recent sightings by Angus Murray 1-14 Dec

    The proper winter finally arrived with weather to match, snow, hail, wind, rain, thunder and lightning all in the mix. Some good birds were seen though despite this with the yearlist even managing to increase by one, taking the total to 122 species, courtesy of a barnacle goose seen amongst canada geese at Castle Semple Loch on 8 Dec. The day before this two long-tailed ducks were present there, not a first for the year…

  • Recent Sightings by Angus Murray (17-30 Nov)

           The end of November proved to be just as much a bird-filled period as the start of the month. The highlight was, like the bittern in early Nov, again only seen by two observers - a little egret that flew over towards the Barr Loch (viewed from the Aird Meadow hide) on 22nd. This is only the second record for the reserve and mirrors ,almost exactly, the first record - one seen very briefly at the Aird Meadow on Nov 6…

  • Recent Sightings 7-16 November by Angus Murray

         The highlight of the week was definitely the Bittern that was seen by two fortunate observers by the Millbank Burn at the Barr Loch on 9 Nov. Since the formation of the reserve this is only the sixth ever record, the last being in 1994. In common with the rest of Britain the Bittern would once have been a common sight around Lochwinnoch but persecution led to its extinction in the UK by 1885. Amongst other things it…

  • Recent Highlights by Angus Murray

         With the clocks going back and the main organized events on the reserve in the period taking place in the hours of darkness (Fright Night and Astronomy Evening) you could be forgiven for thinking that it was close of play as regards any worthwhile birdwatching was concerned. As it turned out nothing could have been further from the truth with some great birdwatching to be had once again, indeed arguably we are now entering…

  • Recent sightings 3 – 20 October by Claire Martin

    Winter is definitely approaching at the reserve, and with all the recent rain the ducks are enjoying the newly flooded channels.  Sightings of a Slavonian grebe on the Barr Loch on the 15 & 17 October have bumped our year list up to 119 species.    


    Slavonian grebe by Chris Gomersall (rspb-images.com)

    Slavonian grebes are a fairly rare winter visitor, with around 1100 recorded in the UK each year, so it’s great to…

  • Recent sightings 25 Sept - 2 Oct by Angus Murray

    Yet again it was another fantastic week for birdwatching on the reserve, the main focus continuing to be at the Barr Loch. An estimated total of 1000 waterfowl were present on the loch there on 30 Sept (attracted by the continuing waterweed bloom as mentioned in the previous blog). This got me rummaging through old bird reports and reserve records this week. These periodic waterweed blooms over the years on the Barr Loch…

  • Recent sightings 16 -24 September by Angus Murray

    The main bird interest this week was at the Barr Loch where wildfowl numbers were on the increase. A bloom of waterweed there is providing good feeding for grazing wildfowl, particularly wigeon with at least 200 birds present from Monday 22 September - the highest September numbers since reserve records began in 1974. Also picked out amongst them were four gadwall on the same day and three shoveler on the next. An early…

  • Reserve blog by Angus Murray

         Signs of early autumn were evident on the reserve, the ever popular photographic competition (now finished)  and second hand book sale (running from 14 -20 September with some great bargains to be had)  being two examples of this.Other signs, on the bird front, were meadow pipits heard over-flying  the Barr Loch and Aird Meadow, finches flocking up (including 40+ goldfinches on 29 August), wildfowl numbers increasing on…

  • Recent Highlights - August 2014

        Ah the dog days of summer, schools are going back and a glance outside your window for a large part of the week would have seen you greeted with wind and rain, a sure sign that autumn is not too far away. A glance outside the viewing windows at the reserve visitor centre recently would have had you wondering whether you were in China or the west of Scotland in late summer as a mandarin duck, a drake in eclipse plumage…

  • Weasels, ospreys and other recent highlights at Lochwinnoch

    From scorching sunshine to pouring rain and wind, we’ve almost seen it all weather wise this month. It’s difficult to plan anything ahead of time because the weather is so changeable. Even in the same day! On one of the sunny, blue sky days a few of us were discussing the fact that it was perfect conditions for an osprey sighting. Sure enough we were right! Later that day we were treated to amazing views of an osprey…

  • Recent Highlights and the Tragic Tale of our Mute Swan Family.

    Well we have had an eventful month at RSPB Lochwinnoch. We celebrated our 40th Birthday on the 14 June and even with a power cut just as the festivities were kicking off we all had a great time.

    40th Birthday Party at Lochwinnoch by Jason Verity

    I have been playing the detective in our mute swan tragedy that occurred last week. Our mute swan family that had taken to our small pond right in front of our windows are…

  • Delightful chicks and a 40th birthday party!

    We are celebrating our 40th birthday this month! The RSPB established the reserve here in 1974 and have been protecting homes for wildlife ever since then. With Springwatch well under way at RSPB Minsmere it gives us the chance to highlight the wonderful wildlife that we have all over the country. Nature reserves are a great place to learn more about nature on our doorstep and even give you the opportunity to see something…

  • April 2014

    This past month has seen our species list grow with the summer migrants arriving in the UK. It’s a great time of year to get out and about and listen to these birds singing as they arrive after their long journeys from Africa. Willow warblers were one of the first summer visitors to arrive at the reserve with the first being recorded along the Aird Meadow trail on the 1 April. These small birds are very similar to chiffchaffs…

  • March 2014

    We’ve had quite an exciting time this month as the days start to become longer and the nights brighter. March kick-started with our first kingfisher sighting of the year on 1 March on Dubbs Water Trail! Always a lovely one to look out for!

    Kingfisher by John Bridges (rspb-images.com) 

    Our drake smew has been delighting visitors daily throughout March. The latest recorded smew at the reserve is 28 April, so chances…

  • February 2014

    It is certainly starting to feel a bit more like spring these past few days as we leave behind an extremely damp and grey February. The snow drops along the trails and around the visitor centre are gorgeous, and brighten up some of the darker corners on a dull day.

    Our wildfowl population has begun to shift into more spring-like behaviour, with goldeneye starting to display on the loch, throwing their heads back and…

  • January 2014

    January at the reserve has been an example of sightings of regularly seen species mixed with a few unusual surprises. The most unusual has to be the kittiwake we had on 12 December on the Aird Meadow Loch. This marine gull must have been exhausted because of the terrible weather conditions at the time meaning it had to touch down and rest. Subsequently the bird was seen in a bad way over at Castle Semple where the ranger…

  • December 2013 recent sightings

    Well December certainly got off to a great start on the bird front – 145 goosander were recorded between the Aird Meadow Loch and the Barr Loch on 1 December which is the highest count we’ve had since back in the 1990’s! Fantastic stuff and a special thanks to Angus Murray for all his determination to get an accurate count in the gloom! Latterly we’ve been treated to great views of this gorgeous bird in the channel in…

  • Sightings for November 2013

    It is my privilege to announce on this month’s blog that November brought with it a new species for the reserve! That’s right; on the 6 November we had a little egret perched in a tree on the western side of the Aird Meadow Loch! Very well spotted by our eagle-eyed volunteers Alan and Carol.

    This time of the year, as you would imagine has been great for action on the water itself: a high count of 140 wigeon…

  • Autumn is here!

    Well, the weather certainly has taken a turn for the fresher and the cooler and I even had to scrape the windscreen of my car for the first time this autumn today. Where does the time go? But enough of the ponderous questions....there’s far too much fantastic wildlife to see right now! Autumn has always been my favourite time of year, perhaps because I was born in October, or perhaps because of the beautiful light at…

  • Recent sightings

    Hello everyone. I hope all is well this fine afternoon. As I am writing this, my first post on the RSPB community page, the sun is shining and there are lots of familiar birds at the feeding station outside my window. Every now and then I am distracted of course as I hear the tell tale sounds and flutters that suggest a possible sparrowhawk attack, fortunately for the little birds this time, it was a collared dove.

  • Recent Sightings - 8-22 May 2013

    It’s been a fairly nice couple of weeks with a good deal of sunshine and some really warm days. The warm spell has made a real difference to the appearance of the reserve – it’s getting very green and there are lots of wildflowers in bloom. If you look closely, you may notice that the breeding season is well underway. We have at least two mallard families at the Aird Meadow Loch, and a pair of greylag…

  • Recent Sightings - 25 April-7 May 2013

    What an exciting time at Lochwinnoch! It looks like spring has finally arrived and the whole reserve is getting greener and greener with every day. Birds are singing aloud all over the trails and you may see them displaying and collecting nest material. There’s an increasing number of butterflies, bumblebees and flowering plants and with the arrival of spring migrants our bird species list is now up to 107!


  • Recent Sightings - 14-25 April 2013

    After a seemingly endless winter we all long for a proper spring to finally come. Unfortunately, the weather can’t make up its mind and keeps alternating spells of bright sunshine with the wintry showers. However, there is a little light of hope as the spring migrants start to arrive and the reserve is filled with bird song. An increasing number of swallows is observed over the Aird Meadow, with occasional sand…

  • Recent Sightings - 26 March-13 April 2013

    It’s been a while since our last blog update and a lot has happened in the meantime. The works on the Aird Meadow are now completed and three new channels are slowly being colonised by wildlife. Mallards, greylag geese and mute swans were all seen in the area, as well as a lapwing, a moorhen, a grey heron and a pied wagtail. We put up some perches to attract kingfishers, so hopefully we’ll get some colourful guests…