Weekly Chat, Sunday February 14, 2010

Oh my, another week.   How many rosettes did Tweed win at the agility contest? Check Patriciat's late post on last week's blog to find out!  Congratulations Tweed and Patriciat!

  • Dibnlib - does watching the new television indicate that you are back in your newly decorated lounge?  I hope so.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • LInk to Pelican Harbour eagles. They are in the process of renovating their nest:


  •  OG   no we are not back in the living  room yet. the decoration  is lovely and we are really pleased with the new fire surround which is much more in keeping with our furniture whereas the one we took out was a dark mahogany and our furniture is golden oak. OH took the chair from the telephone table to watch the rugby... . our chairs are upstairs and weigh a lot. we have the plummer back tomorrow to put the radiaters back on and the joiner back on tuesday to do some finishing touches.

  • afternoon everyone

    Hope all OK with you, not been around much this weekend so will try and cathc up later tonight or tomorrow

    Wanted to wish everyone a happy Valentine's day:))

  • Hallo everyone:  Sounds like it actually might be getting close to spring over there. Spoke to my sis in Lincolnshire this morning and she says they're forecasting more snow for Tuesday, but, she says, "We're almost through February so spring is on its way."  They're painting their house and maybe selling this summer - lovely old house with lovely garden and lots of nice upgrades thanks to bro-in-law (who apparently is also glued to rugby doings).  Sounds like the owls and sparrows have got the message too.

    OG: Sounds like the wet room project ended well - with discounts yet! Congratulations.  When I sold my house in Long Beach (built in the 1920s) had to replumb the kitchen and bathroom coz the pipes were so rotted and bad - was a good investment though in terms of the sale. Had the same thing though - old pipes that had been bypassed and left there.

    Alan/OG:  Hilton Head ospreys look pretty punky with that hairdo - it'll be earrings in their beaks next!  Pelican Harbor cam is on Santa Cruz Island, right across the channel from us!

    Off to do some yard work, laundry, go for walk, the half the grocery mission (OH is doing other half!)


  • Evening all. Congrats to patriciat and Tweed, what classes were the rosettes for?

    Sweet osprey pics, they look cuddly when they have that punk look to their topknots. I have a picture on a card someone sent me sold by the RSPB that looks all ruffled like that.

    Our sparrows are making a lot of noise now too, we think they are investigating new premises or contemplating a springclean prior to nest building. We have lots of ventilation holes in our walls (it's an old barn) and the sparrows go into the pipes to make nests. I'll post a pic one day to show you. OH has sealed off the ends so they are not actually flying around the roof space.

    Tonight I am going to have the first two pieces of the first chocolate orange of the year.  I know I was eating one early January but that was the last one of the previous year (I only have two a year, from OH). Terry's choc orange, already owned by Kraft, hadn't noticed that before.  Remember those ads where Dawn French says "it's not Terry's, it's mine"? I always reply "no, it's Terry's!"

    Terry in Cumbria

  • Dibnlib – glad you are pleased with the decorating so far – good luck with the finishing touches.

    Hi, Gary and Annette, sounds like everyone is having a busy Sunday – I even did some ironing today, and finished correspondence arising from all the Christmas letters/emails we received.

    Terry – I hope you are enjoying your two pieces of Your Chocolate Orange!  I ate a piece of Caramac today – tasted much nicer on the spur of the moment than when I was so long anticipating it before (this was one of the bars OH bought when we were discussing it!).

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • TerryM: I remember Terry's Chocolate Oranges - you still see them here. I found some caramel Kit-Kat the other week - still can't locate the dark chocolate kind, but prefer the original to the caramel. When I'm driving a long distance and want a treat, I get a Kit Kat.   OH has taken over grocery mission today; I'm watering and tidying up the geraniums and pulliing some weeds while laundry is doing. Lovely day here.

    OG: I have ironing too when you've got a minute!

  • Thanks Alan:)

    Terry, you are SO disciplined!! LOL there is NO way I could restrict myself to 2 pieces, although don't think I could manage a whole one, in 1 go.

    OG, glad you enjoyed your caramac:)

    i was baked some flapjacks today so will be tucking into those later:))