Weekly Chat, Sunday February 14, 2010

Oh my, another week.   How many rosettes did Tweed win at the agility contest? Check Patriciat's late post on last week's blog to find out!  Congratulations Tweed and Patriciat!

  • For those of you with hummer withdrawal symptoms here is another nest:


  • Hi all.

    Thanks Alan: Wonder where they took Sassy - I once took a sick hummingbird to a place in Torrance in South LA, about 40 minutes from Phoebe's house - the lady there was known to specialize in caring for hummers; she had about 50 in various stages of rehab when I was there, some in incubators.

    Brenda: I have a wireless mouse too, but have disabled the track pad, which drove me dotty.

    TerryM; Welcome back - but OH doesn't like chcolate? Weird, yes!  But my granddaughter doesn't like it either - a friend of mine sent her some when she was small and it was Very Old and she's never got over it.

    OG: Rose garden very interesting this morning. Another volunteer mentioned that she'd attended some of the showings at the recent film festival here. She'd been so impressed with one documentary, she'd seen it twice, and when I asked what it was, she said, "The Legend of Pale Male."  My ears pricked up big time. One of the local art cinemas has free screenings of some of the festival films once the festival is done; now I have to find out if and when that one is showing!   Weeds weren't so interesting, but insistent.  Oh geez. Don't you just hate it when something changes color once you get it home, especially when it's an item of clothing that was so flattering in the store.....Good job we can return things!

  • Just got the local Independent newspaper and find that The Legend of Pale Male is showing at 7 pm Saturday evening, followed by A Murder of Crows, which the other rose garden volunteer also liked.  So that's my Saturday evenings sorted!

  • Lindybird – I always take spare clothes when travelling overseas. The journey itself is about 30 hours from house door to hotel/B&B. Plane lands at 6 am & it is hours before the room is vacated & cleaned. Coming home is worse. I wander around all day in, say London, until plane leaves at 11 pm, 12 hours to stopover at Singapore or Kuala Lumpa or wherever. I simply must disappear into the toilet to change shirt & underwear, much to the wonder of the attendants at how long I am in there! Well, no hurry, stopover is 5-6 hours. Then another 6-7 hours flying. I still feel grubby and I never want to see another plane. LOL

    Alan – Do you spend all day looking for bird sites? Seriously, thank you very much. Without you we would miss so much of what is out there in internet-land.

    OG – The blinds which came with our house were green. The light was always rather sickly-looking. Then we replaced them with a non-descript beige colour. Except when the sunlight shines through and they are - orange !!!! Very hot-looking. Many years on and we need new ones. I dread what we are going to get.

    The Winter Olympics are on in the morning our time. I can’t seem to watch daytime TV so it is the summary/replay at 9.30 pm. Gee, I didn’t realize there were only Aussies competing. I’m not sure what our TV presenters will do when our athletes are eliminated. LOL. The replays are liberally interspersed with adverts and some comedian making weak jokes and adverts and interviews and more adverts. Last night I watched some snowboarding and a few skiers crashing before I fell asleep, waking to the final sequence of adverts.

    Adelaide is becoming very busy. The Fringe Festival starts today with more festivals & some sort of car race impending. The city is full of tourists clutching their Lonely Planets, the buses with others struggling to understand the timetable. "Does this bus go to xxx?" "Which stop is the caravan park?" Don’t ask me, I only live here !!!!!!! I think I am more help when I am overseas. LOL. I chatted with some German people while waiting at the bus-stop (ahem, in English). They were puzzled by the numbers of buses labelled "Not in service". I presume they are school buses or heading out to be ready for rush hour. At appropriate times of year these buses are labelled "Merry Xmas" or "Happy New Year".

    The TV weather presenter was quite disappointed when the prediction earlier this week of a heatwave (5 days over 35 C) has turned out to be merely (!!!!) 2 days. The weather gods must have taken pity on me. Just now ironed some desperately needed clothes. (OG if you didn’t do Annette’s, why didn’t you drop in here?).

    I hope all the sick, injured or operated on, human & canine, have recovered.

  • Hi AQ: Good to see you.  Your flights to the UK and back sound awful.  Flights here for the UK typically leave around 5:30 p.m. (I think there's one at 2:30), and it's bad enough having to hang about all day, but at least we do it nonstop.   Watching another night of Olympic events, but don't think I'll be able to hang with it until the end; really tired.   Take care all - and, geez Louise - it's almost Friday again.

  • Ahem. Friday is nearly over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's nearly 4 pm and soon I should start thinking what cool stuff we can have for tea. I have been sitting hand-sewing beneath the a/c. I decided to convert long-sleeved blouse with frayed cuffs to short sleeves. It may be old but the material is so soft and cool unlike more recent purchases. All that effort should provoke a cool change. . .

  • AQ:  I like loose cotton T-shirts, but have stopped buying ones with spandex since they're too close-fitting and warm in the summer.  Do like that new crinkle cotton that you never have to iron.  Hope you got something nice for dinner; I cooked up some chicken with a mushroom-sherry sauce and brussel sprouts. Wasn't too bad now that I'm getting used to the new appliances,which are much faster, hotter, etc., than the old ones.   Have a nice evening.

  • Unknown said:

    Just got the local Independent newspaper and find that The Legend of Pale Male is showing at 7 pm Saturday evening, followed by A Murder of Crows, which the other rose garden volunteer also liked.  So that's my Saturday evenings sorted!

    Oh, Annette, I want to see The Legend of Pale Male with you!!!

    Here's a page with film clips (from the movie's website):   http://thelegendofpalemale.com/Film_clips.html

    Also, Nature on PBS (U.S.A) dedicated an entire program to Pale Male, called "A Beautiful Family." You can buy it on DVD. Here are some nice clips PBS released from the program: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_P7EtVt9ss   and   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M8JU8EezjE&feature=PlayList&p=DA40951589318D8F&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=111   and   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9glyi3LA_d4

    Also, did you know that Steve Earle and Alison Moorer have a beautiful song dedicated to Pale Male, called Down Here Below:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-0jW1EbRBY

    Tiger: I hope you like these clips!

  • aquilareen: Good to see you! Are you going to the Fringe Festival events? I want to go, too!  I did a search and found the Adelaide website. Looks wonderful.

    Lindybird: I always like coincidence stories!!! TerryM: Glad your computer recovered! OG: I have purchased paint that I thought was perfect in the store, only to find that the color was wretched on the walls! Paul: Lovely siskin! Alan: Glad Hamish is doing well. Yay! Thanks for the falcon link. Auntie: Nice doggie and kitty pic! Hi, Cirrus, good to see you! dibnlib and Lindybird: I had a dog once whom I couldn't let near the water, because he would search out and eat the most disgusting bloated dead fish that he could find. GROSS!

    Ok, must go to bed. Very busy day tomorrow. Sorry if I missed anyone. Happy Friday to all! 

  • Diana    Thank you so much. Those videos capture the phenomena that is Pale Male so well. Makes me a bit sad too as we cannot have that many more summers of the wonderful bird that is Pale Male. He is getting to be quite an old bird now. I wonder if he will manage to father any more chicks? It has been so distressing to the nest fail these last  5 years.