Weekly Chat, Sunday February 7, 2010

Happy new week folks!  Don't foget to check the last few posts of the previous week. Heron posted a photo of a female reed bunting,  AQ saw a "ginormous flock of corellas" (must Google that!),  OG has found a nice B&B for her trip, Alan posted a nifty shot of the changing of the guard at the eagle nest, folks are wondering how Diane is doing with the storm the big storm back  East, and much, much more!  :-)  We had almost 2 inches of rain in Santa Barbara today, which is brilliant.  Still sorting files and likely to be doing so for a day or three to come.  Take care all.

  • Afternoon all - I've had difficulty all morning trying to get on here - looks as if its been down all night with no posts from our overseas friends.

    Damp and cold here, but no frost so didn't need to defrost the birdbath this morning ... just had to replenish the seed for the hungry hordes!

    I was watching the GH owls earlier and saw this lovely food handover


    Margobird - I hope you are feeling better today

    Take care everyone

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Hi OG,  terrible on here this morning. The sun is shining, so hope the snow starts thawing. I love the children coming 'home' as the house seems to come alive again. Neither of them have ever lived in this house, but we still seem to be storing a great deal of their 'stuff '. I am so happy for your son.

  • Afternoon everyone from TI:

    I have also been having great difficulty getting on the site today.

    Lindybird : I watched Simon Kings Shetland Diaries this morning and also thought it was excellent.

    DloanS :  Thanks for owl pics. Great capture.

    Everyone else thanks for the chat , links etc. I will keep it short as this may not post.

    Weather has been showery this morning. Still cold but mostly rain.

  • Thanks DjoanS, great scene to catch. I also hope you are feeling a little better, Margobird. Sounded as if you had caught a bad cold.

  • Morning all

    DjoanS, I had trouble last night getting on here and this morning it is back to being SO slow. Thanks for the lovely screen shots. Love looking at the owls.

    Lindybird, glad you liked the film, I've not heard anyone who hasn't enjoyed it. Makes me feel so old though when you realise how long ago he was released.

    OG, glad the new vehicle seems good 'out the box".

    Normal day planned here, whatever that is!!

    Happy Friday everyone

  • Afternoon Brenda H wish I could say I felt bettter but unfortunately this cold has really got hold.  Finding it hard to keep warm and nose like Rudolph now.


    Tried to post this morning but site really slow so gave up.  Hope you are having a decent day.


  • Margobird, sorry the cold has taken hold:(( Hope you can rest up and conserve your energy

  • Good afternoon DjoanS thanks for the shot of the owls.  Cold and grey here but although there was no frost on the ground the bird baths we slightly frozen up again.  Although I don't really feel like going into the garden I did the necessary and I know what you mean about hungry hordes.  Have had to top the feeding trays up 3 times this morning.  One thing I was thrilled about though was the fact that I realised fieldfare were visiting.  Taken me a while to cotton on but I went on RSPB site and found a really good photo and that is definitely what are in my garden.


    Have a good afternoon.


  • Good afternoon DjoanS thanks for the shot of the owls.  Cold and grey here but although there was no frost on the ground the bird baths we slightly frozen up again.  Although I don't really feel like going into the garden I did the necessary and I know what you mean about hungry hordes.  Have had to top the feeding trays up 3 times this morning.  One thing I was thrilled about though was the fact that I realised fieldfare were visiting.  Taken me a while to cotton on but I went on RSPB site and found a really good photo and that is definitely what are in my garden.


    Have a good afternoon.


  • Good afternoon Gary it is so difficult to get a post on today.  How much snow did you get? 


    I am resting up as I really feel a bit rough and all the cold weather we are having makes it worse for me.  I should be pleased that we did not get as much snow as some parts of the USA have had.
