As we are now on the 3rd January thought I would start a new thread for 2013......
Will bring forward some of the previous posts on the Eagle chick hatching and RtB last post.
Here is the New Year's Day eaglet being a bobblehead:
Bedding delivery and changeover:
Interaction parent/chick:
Ozzie trying to feed baby earlier this morning. LOL! But I believe he did better a bit later on, though I have to go thru the vid because I got waylaid by barn owls.
This is definitely Ozzie but I do easily mis-ID them if they're not together or I haven't seen a changeover.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Yes, at a pub well known to me and my hiking chum the trees in the large ''back'' garden (actually over the road near a pond) have wasp catchers - yellow - I had to investigate because at first we thought they were bird feeders. What a rotten thing to happen to Hook, maybe we should ban rings ha ha
Apologies for posting this here but Im going to try and do a posh link so here goes - here is the link to friends of blackwater hope it works!!!
It certainly does seagull. Well done you! :)
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Thank you ChloeB - next step is to see if it will work on facebook. I think it might be a bit easier as you just copy and post it in a comment ??
Yes, that is exactly what you do. No posh links there.
Thanks ChloeB will give it a go when I want to highlight something now :-) feeling pleased now Ive learnt something new :-) the steps by Birdie Num Num were perfect
There was comment earlier on this thread about the female on the Threave nest. It has now been confirmed as being Blue KC, link to FB for those who can access it. There is no further detail about her, but I believe she had two chicks this year, and was last year's female.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
News for the plans for Glaslyn in 2014. Most interesting is the new high definition cameras. See here
Not sure if people not on Facebook will be able to read this.
Tiger Signature
Thanks TIGER - It is great that this project BGGW along with Dyfi can continue to protect Ospreys in Wales and that the nest site here in particular can continue to be protected. Glaslyn has such a rich history and will have whatever happens to ospreys in Wales.
A MERRY CHRISTMAS to you also.
Thanks, Tiger - I was able to read it. It's great to know the protection will continue.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.