Osprey sightings 2013

France , Landes :

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013
Marais d'Orx
(Générique) / Orx (40)
2 Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) [Yohann Montane ]

  • How amazing! What a surprise! Both XD and Green J then :)

  • Looks like he is definately tracking Green J.

  • Thnaks ALAN & TIGER  Interesting to see if she still winters in the same place

  • Migration counts at Nabben, Falsterbo in Sweden:

    28th August : 4 ospreys

  • 29/08 08:58  HAMPSHIRE : Osprey, Langstone Harbour  [S]

    two; one on Long Island and one at Biness (08:35)

    29/08 10:01  CAMBRIDGESHIRE : Osprey, Milton CP  [S]
    still over Dickerson's
    Pit mid-morning (09:47)

    29/08 11:53  DORSET : Osprey, Christchurch Harbour  [S]
    one late morning
    29/08 12:22  SUFFOLK : Osprey, Minsmere RSPB  [S]
    over Island Mere then flew
    29/08 12:46  SUFFOLK : Osprey, Martlesham Creek  [S]

    29/08 12:49 
    SUFFOLK : Osprey, Hen Reedbed SWT  [S]

    29/08 16:32  NORTHAMPTONSHIRE : Osprey, Pitsford Reservoir  [S]
    one again
    reported south of causeway late morning; also 2 female Red-crested Pochards

    29/08 17:37  CAMBRIDGESHIRE : Osprey, Milton CP  [S]
    again late morning
    29/08 17:56  SOMERSET & BRISTOL : Osprey, Ham Wall RSPB  [S]
    one still
    this afternoon from second viewpoint (13:30)
    29/08 17:58  SUFFOLK : Osprey, Lakenheath (Hockwold) Fen  [S]
    juvenile still
    showing well at far end of reserve

    29/08 18:18  GLOUCESTERSHIRE : Osprey, Painswick Beacon  [S]
    one flew over
    today; also a Whimbrel over

    29/08 19:37  CAMBRIDGESHIRE : Osprey, Milton CP  [S]
    again over Dickenson's
    Pit early evening briefly then flew east (18:30)

    29/08 20:18  NORFOLK : Osprey, Filby  [S]
    one in dead tree by Lily Broad
    before flying east

    29/08 22:13  SOUTH YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Hatfield Moors  [S]
    one still; also 5
    Yellow-legged Gulls

  • Migration counts at Nabben, Falsterbo in Sweden:

    29th August : 1 osprey

  • French migration watchpoints:

    Col d'Organbidexka

    28th August : 5 ospreys

  • Alan, Clare has posted a link to Arne on another thread. This is it and two birds are mentioned. I like the comment by the birder who said " I tried to smile".! Coombe Heath is a reserve a little way West of Arne so it may be they had been to Arne earlier BUT there is a small lake shown near Coombe Heath.

  • Thanks Mike. Not long back from Rutland Water where we still have 2 adults and 3J at Manton Bay..

    30/08 09:15  NORTHUMBERLAND : Osprey, St. Mary's Island  [S]
    one flew south
    30/08 09:33  CLEVELAND : Osprey, Greatham Creek  [S]
    over Tank Farm
    30/08 10:17  HAMPSHIRE : Osprey, Langstone Harbour  [S]
    on post on
    easternmost island and viewable from Broadmarsh car park
    30/08 11:07  DORSET : Osprey, Lytchett Bay  [S]
    two this morning along with a
    Spotted Redshank
    30/08 12:43  NORFOLK : Osprey, Welney WWT  [S]
    one flew north over main
    observatory (12:15)
    30/08 12:48  HAMPSHIRE : Osprey, Romsey  [S]
    one on Fishlake Meadows from
    road viewpoint mid-morning (10:30)
    30/08 13:02  NORFOLK : Osprey, Denver Sluice  [S]
    one over early afternoon
    30/08 14:04  DEVON : Osprey, Stoke Gabriel  [S]
    one then flew down river
    early morning (07:20)
    30/08 14:11  ISLE OF WIGHT : Osprey, Clamerkin Lake  [S]
    one on east side
    30/08 14:23  CAMBRIDGESHIRE : Osprey, Milton CP  [S]
    again over Dickerson's
    Pit (13:55)

    30/08 15:48  NORTH YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Gouthwaite Reservoir  [S]
    one fishing
    this morning SE129693 (12:30)

    30/08 15:49  DEVON : Osprey, Exe Estuary 
    one fishing over the estuary (15:45)

    30/08 17:45  SUFFOLK : Osprey, Lakenheath (Hockwold) Fen  [S]
    juvenile still
    showing well

    30/08 17:50  HAMPSHIRE : Osprey, Romsey  [S]
    fishing at Fishlake Meadows late afternoon (15:30)

    30/08 19:24  HAMPSHIRE : Osprey, Farlington Marshes HWT  [S]
    two present late
    morning (11:55)

    30/08 21:53  DEVON : Osprey, Stoke Gabriel  [S]
    still mobile along the River
    Dart this evening

    30/08 21:55  WEST SUSSEX : Osprey, Chichester Harbour 
    two mid-morning

    30/08 22:18  SOUTH YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Hurlfield, Sheffield  [S]
    one flew
    south at 13:53 (13:53)

  • Migration counts at Nabben, Falsterbo in Sweden:

    30th August : 3 ospreys