Osprey sightings 2013

France , Landes :

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013
Marais d'Orx
(Générique) / Orx (40)
2 Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) [Yohann Montane ]

  • 19/08 10:16  EAST YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Sunk Island  [S]

    one flew over heading northwest

    19/08 13:51  WORCESTERSHIRE : Osprey, Tardebigge Reservoir  [S]
    one flew over
    Tardebigge village towards Hewell Grange at 12:05 (12:05)

    19/08 19:08  KENT : Osprey, Margate  [S]
    one over the cemetery and paddocks
    early afternoon

    19/08 19:09  NORTH YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Wheldrake Ings
    YWT  [S]
    one flew north this afternoon (13:30)

    19/08 19:11  NORTHUMBERLAND : Osprey, Powburn  [S]
    one briefly along the
    River Beamish

    19/08 21:21  HAMPSHIRE : Osprey, IBM Lake  [S]
    one circled over the west end
    then flew northeast (09:00)

  • Migration counts at Nabben, Falsterbo in Sweden:

    19th August : 7 ospreys

  • Défilé de l'Ecluse in France:

    18th August : 1 migrant osprey

    Colline de Sion:

    19th August : 1 migrant osprey

  • 20/08 08:51  EAST YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Spurn  [S]

    one flew south past the seawatching hut (08:25)

    20/08 13:39  LINCOLNSHIRE : Osprey, Tattershall  [S]

    one from the 'Battle of Britain' car park at Tattershall Lakes yesterday afternoon (19/08)

    20/08 17:28  DURHAM : Osprey, Hurworth Burn Reservoir  [S]
    one today

    20/08 19:14  LONDONDERRY : Osprey, Lough Beg  [S]
    one today; also Wood

    20/08 21:51  SOUTH YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Hatfield Moors  [S]
    one at Kilham

  • Migration counts at Nabben, Falsterbo in Sweden:

    20th August : 14 ospreys

  • French migration watchpoint Mont Mourex:

    20th August : 1 osprey

  • 21/08 08:24  NORFOLK : Osprey, Terrington Marsh  [S]

    one on post this morning

    21/08 10:36  DERBYSHIRE : Osprey, Long Eaton GPs  [S]
    one flew south over
    Erewash Pit (10:15)

    21/08 11:08  HAMPSHIRE : Osprey, Sandy Point  [S]
    juvenile flew south out to
    sea at 08:13; also 2 juvenile Black Terns offshore at 07:50

    21/08 12:51  CORNWALL : Osprey, Carrick Roads  [S]
    one flew over today

    21/08 13:00  DORSET : Osprey, Abbotsbury  [S]
    one over The Fleet at midday

    21/08 13:12  DORSET : Osprey, Arne RSPB  [S]
    one viewed from Combe Heath late
    morning (11:00)

    21/08 13:23  DORSET : Osprey, West Bexington  [S]
    one flew west late morning;
    also Whinchat and Tree Pipit
    21/08 14:24  SOUTH YORKSHIRE : Osprey, Hatfield Moors  [S]
    at Kilham East

    21/08 20:11  DORSET : Osprey, Christchurch Harbour  [S]
    one flew over ESE
    this morning; also 5 Tree Pipits and a Redstart (09:30)

    21/08 21:05  NORTHAMPTONSHIRE : Osprey, Quinton  [S]
    one flew over late
    morning (11:30)

    21/08 21:29  LINCOLNSHIRE : Osprey, Donna Nook  [S]
    juvenile mid-morning

  • Migration counts at Nabben, Falsterbo in Sweden:

    21st August : 6 ospreys

  • French watchpoints :

    20th August :

    Col d'Organbidexka : 3 ospreys

    Défilé de l'Ecluse : 1 osprey

  • 22/08 12:11  SUFFOLK : Osprey, Landguard NR  [S]

    one flew high out to sea; also Pied Flycatcher in the compound

    22/08 19:18  DERBYSHIRE : Osprey, Rowsley  [S]
    adult circling low over the
    River Wye on the east side of Haddon Hall SK237663 this afternoon
    22/08 20:25  SURREY : Osprey, Epsom  [S]
    one flew southwest over racecourse

    22/08 23:11  CORNWALL : Osprey, Porthgwarra  [S]
    one flew west (11:45)