Hi everyone. Happy Sunday! As usual, check out the last few entries of the previous week's chat to find out who left a plant at the supermarket checkout counter and ate a bag of chocolate donuts for lunch.
Brought Oro for home visit today; was lovely and sunny and daughter sat in the garden feeding him treats. He had a little snooze and then while my daughter took a nap Oro and I went to the beach and walked along the grassy area behind the sand for about a mile or so. (No trash cans to crash into!) Marvellous afternoon with brisk breeze and big surf, but now they're forecasting more rain for Monday through Wednesday!
AQ:- How come you are 11.5hrs ahead of us - always thought the Time Zones were in Hours only?
Auntie:- Like the idea of the cat signing an email!!
Many thanks to those of you who have put your current time of posting on your entries.
Unknown said: AQ:- How come you are 11.5hrs ahead of us - always thought the Time Zones were in Hours only?
Liz -South Australia's time was set half an hour behind the eastern states (QLD, NSW, VIC & TAS). I have an idea that there is another place in the world which is on a half hour zone. In normal times the meridian for the eastern states actually runs somewhere out in Pacific Ocean. SA's runs through (from memory) Warrnambool in Victoria, anyway over the border. Western Australia has a 3rd time zone. When we have Daylight Saving time in summer, some states don't change, so we can have more complications. LOL.
Diane - Furphy is pronounced FUR (as in what animals wear) FEE.
Auntie/Liz - I know some people whose pets have signed up to Facebook.
Currently 33 C in city, a "cool" 30 C here near beach (29% humidity). It's 5.36 pm and I'd better peel vegies. Bye.
Morning all from TI,
Brenda H : I have voted for the bumblebees as requested but I did note that there were other worthwhile projects on the list but I agree the bumblebees are the most important at this time. I did not venture out to see the full moon but I could clearly see it from the upstairs windows and I could also see Mars just to the left. It was exceptionally bright when I noticed it earlier in the evening as it was quite low then.
Weather today is very cold and frosty. Bird bath was frozen this morning for the first time in a while. It is however sunny and much preferable to the dull , damp and dreich weather we have had lately.
Temp 1.1c , Wind NNW 9mph , Sunrise 07:45 , Sunset 16:42.
AQ If you look around the world there are a number of strange time zones. China for example is all one time zone where it should be three. Mornings must be awful dark in western China. India is 5.5 hours ahead of GMT. Nepal is 5.75 hours ahead of GMT.
See http://www.worldtimezone.com/
My first ever post on a forum, on 24th May 1999 was about time zones. see http://www.osprey2005.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Mallory10/Kathloctime.htm
Tiger Signature
Alan Mars was at opposition last night. I was looking at it through a six inch refractor. It looked good.
Alan Here is a video of the Starr Ranch Owls. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeXJKCQBkzg
Good morning Brenda H the moon was a wonderful sight last night. I got up in the middle of the night and my back garden was fully lit up it was so bright. Perfect conditions to see it, very clear and extremely cold. Big job this morning defrosting bird baths again. Have a good weekend.
patriciat said: Paul I know what you mean about the disappearing birds on BGBW day. We've had fewer birds than usual this year (hope they haven't all died of cold) but over the last few days we've had visits from a dunnock, a female blackcap and a redpoll, none of which have visited for some time. Bet they hide tomorrow when I'm counting!
Paul I know what you mean about the disappearing birds on BGBW day. We've had fewer birds than usual this year (hope they haven't all died of cold) but over the last few days we've had visits from a dunnock, a female blackcap and a redpoll, none of which have visited for some time. Bet they hide tomorrow when I'm counting!
patriciat and Paul it is almost as the birds know what you are trying to do. We have a lot of birds at the moment with it being so cold so hopefully we will get a good count tomorrow.
Diane Thought you might like this. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzAfimDDfZI&feature=fvw
Morning all
Woke up to 4 or 5 inches of snow this morning :(( snow showers were forecast, but I wasn't expecting this much! Had to go out and clear all the feeders and birdbath early, prior to doing my BGBW hour ... less birds than usual around today.
I saw the moon last night, just as it was rising over the sea ... absolutely beautiful.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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