Hi All. Don't forget to check last page or so of previous week for all the latest! Granddaughter made excellent time to AZ - got there at 4 p.m. our time - an 8 hour ride with minimal (comparatively speaking) traffic through LA early this morning. Thunder received hysterical greeting from Pepito, tiny noisy companion who wondered where Thunder had gone but was much too noisy and excitable to bring along. Brought Oro home for successful visit after which I went on a hunt-and-scoop mission to clean up yard after two large dogs. Oh fun! Daughter and I watched Wallace and Gromit DVD (the "were-rabbit" one) - a hoot. OH and I just remembered we have tickets for Charlie Rose (PBS interviewer) this evening so have to hose myself down, prop open my eyelids and try to stay awake for another few hours. Why do these things start at 8 p.m.?!
Thanks Alan for reminder re Phoebe (keep reminding us since I'm so busy running and fetching); four big storms due this week with threat of flooding, high winds, power outages. Sounds like real weather!! TerryM: Will pass on gerbil story to hamster! Lindybird: All hankies put away now! :-) Congrats on the redecorating and dibnlib: I'm with you from now on - hire the folks who can do it in half the time (at four times the cost, yes, but....)
Off to comb hair and make self presentable. Have a nice Sunday all.
Aunite, steady on!! No need for anything as reckless as house work! LOL Enjoy the day off
Emma, back for about 10 days, sory you are busy but that is good these days.
The site was down a bit this morning for me as well
Alan, glad both missions were completed succesfully! Can't remember if I thanked you but I saw the first 3 episodes of Wallender and really enjoyed them.
Unknown said: OG – many congratulations on the birth of your grandson. You must be thrilled and I am delighted for you and your family.
Emma - Where did this come from - our grandsons are aged 20 and 18 and both students at Edinburgh uni!! Margobird has a new great-nephew, maybe this was what you meant!
The lady who went to buy a turkey has made it to the front page of the BBC news website! Here is the beginning:
A woman who left her remote home in the Scottish Highlands to buy a turkey for Christmas has finally been able to get back home - 30 days after she set out.
Heavy snow meant it was not possible for Kay Ure to get back to Cape Wrath after a shopping trip to Inverness.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
We have a baby hummingbird. Magic!!!!
Over 600 viewers now. Screenshot of chick with broken egg:
Unknown said: We have a baby hummingbird. Magic!!!! FAB
Congratulations. You must feel like a dad. Thanks for doing the messenger duties.
Tiger Signature
Have you been watching it all day?
ALAN Thank you for the news on Phoebe Will check on her and Lily in a mo.
OG Just for a change we went to the cinema this aft. We saw "up in the air" with George Clooney. We both thoroughly enjoyed it. Now back home I have have had time to check and "Scotlands Winter Wonderland" is available on STV playback. I have never found this nearly as good as BBC I player but this time it was easy enough to find the programme I wanted. Please do try and watch it.
OG: Its been on in the background for the last couple of hours. It has not been daylight in OC for long.
Tiger : I must say I was more than a little excited when I found out about the chick.
dibnlib said: OG Now back home I have have had time to check and "Scotlands Winter Wonderland" is available on STV playback. I have never found this nearly as good as BBC I player but this time it was easy enough to find the programme I wanted. Please do try and watch it.
OG Now back home I have have had time to check and "Scotlands Winter Wonderland" is available on STV playback. I have never found this nearly as good as BBC I player but this time it was easy enough to find the programme I wanted. Please do try and watch it.
Thanks very, very much. I'll take a shufftie tonight and we'll hopefully watch it. I never tire of seeing views of our adopted country (especially when I can say "I've been there!" - which is happening more and more as the years go by!) It will be great to see it in the snow, as I don't venture out to see winter for myself!
Gary: I hope that you have a wonderful and safe journey back home!!!!!!!!!
Annette: So glad the System Restore worked!
Everyone: I couldn't get on the site last night. I will try to catch up with everyone this evening. Hope everyone is well.