Hi All. Don't forget to check last page or so of previous week for all the latest! Granddaughter made excellent time to AZ - got there at 4 p.m. our time - an 8 hour ride with minimal (comparatively speaking) traffic through LA early this morning. Thunder received hysterical greeting from Pepito, tiny noisy companion who wondered where Thunder had gone but was much too noisy and excitable to bring along. Brought Oro home for successful visit after which I went on a hunt-and-scoop mission to clean up yard after two large dogs. Oh fun! Daughter and I watched Wallace and Gromit DVD (the "were-rabbit" one) - a hoot. OH and I just remembered we have tickets for Charlie Rose (PBS interviewer) this evening so have to hose myself down, prop open my eyelids and try to stay awake for another few hours. Why do these things start at 8 p.m.?!
Thanks Alan for reminder re Phoebe (keep reminding us since I'm so busy running and fetching); four big storms due this week with threat of flooding, high winds, power outages. Sounds like real weather!! TerryM: Will pass on gerbil story to hamster! Lindybird: All hankies put away now! :-) Congrats on the redecorating and dibnlib: I'm with you from now on - hire the folks who can do it in half the time (at four times the cost, yes, but....)
Off to comb hair and make self presentable. Have a nice Sunday all.
Things don't seem quite right here over the last few days, Maureen. You might have to wait until tomorrow before it all works. Otherwise, can only suggest you keep trying. To make text bold - press the 'Ctrl' key & the letter b at the same time- then do the same thing again to go back to normal text. Hope this helps.
I managed to leave a little comment on Your Page, Maureen. The Ctrl/b thing only works on some situations, maybe not when leaving comments, only on this bit.
Hi everyone.Not been feeling too great the last couple of days, which is why I wasn't on yesterday. I'm hoping this cold clears up by the weekend. Saw a pair of siskins feeding on nyger seed this morning. Was very pleased because I hadn't seen siskins for ages. The siskins feeding on nyger seed didn't surprise me but a pair of house sparrows eating nyger seed did.OG: That's fantastic news about your son getting a job.Annette: I've had the same problems getting on as you have, and also had to go through the email notification link.Alan: Thanks for the weather site link. It's great to see a display that shows cloud cover. Thanks for the Lily highlights.Everybody: Stay safe and a very happy Wednesday to all.Paul.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Lindybird – oooohhhh I wouldn’t like that at all – I am sensitive to the tiniest electric shock – when I was assured in Physics at school that I couldn’t possibly feel 12v I said “oh yes I can!”
Good to see you here again Maureen/Hilary. Hope your access to comment on personal pages gets sorted.
Heron – glad you have seen Siskins – ages since we saw them here, but maybe they will be around again soon if yours are, not so far away after all! Sorry the cold lasted – take care – rest and plenty to drink!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Maureen/Hilary : I have also been having problems with this site today especially getting on to this page. I keep getting errors. There must be gremlins in the system.
Paul: I am sorry you have been unwell and I hope you are better soon.
Lindybird: Struck by lightning sounds really scary. Hamish is not scared by thunderstorms. In fact he is not scared by very much at all.
I have been trying to get a screenshot of Phoebe feeding the chicks. This is the best I could do:
Gosh: Just had to sign in to respond! Alan: Nice photo - tx! Lindybird: What was it like, being struck by lightning? Maureen: I'll try to send you a comment on your page - good to see you.
Evening again everyone
My apologies to OG and Margobird for confusion. I did of course mean to send congratulations to Margobird on birth of great-nephew Rhys and now I understand congrats are in order to OG’s son on his new job. Great news.
Thanks Lindybird for directing me to Richard’s update on the total for the fund. There has not been a great deal of time to raise this money - £4330 so far. Richard was hoping for £7000 from the bloggers by Feb 2010 which he mentioned on 14 Dec. I agree with you. This is not the easiest time of year to raise funds.
Gremlins again this morn. Forums opened but Groups gave error message - a different one just to keep me "entertained". Another hot day, expecting 40 C. Tomorrow expecting 32 C. That's when Dau#2 will be riding 110 km in the public ride of the Tour Down Under from Woodside in the Adelaide Hills to Goolwa near the end of the River Murray. Once a mother, always a mother, even when chicks have left home. I shall be thinking of her and worrying that she is drinking enough and not getting into any prangs with 8,000 others. <sigh> She starts at 7 am. The "real" riders start 11 am and the public are cleared off the road before the real ones come through. Dau#2 reckons that will be a chance to rest.