Weekly Chat, Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hi All. Don't forget to check last page or so of previous week for all the latest!  Granddaughter made excellent time to AZ - got there at 4 p.m. our time - an 8 hour ride with minimal (comparatively speaking) traffic through LA early this morning.  Thunder received hysterical greeting from Pepito, tiny noisy companion who wondered where Thunder had gone but was much too noisy and excitable to bring along.  Brought Oro home for successful visit after which I went on a hunt-and-scoop mission to clean up yard after two large dogs. Oh fun!  Daughter and I watched Wallace and Gromit DVD (the "were-rabbit" one) - a hoot. OH and I just remembered we have tickets for Charlie Rose (PBS interviewer) this evening so have to hose myself down, prop open my eyelids and try to stay awake for another few hours. Why do these things start at 8 p.m.?!

Thanks Alan for reminder re Phoebe (keep reminding us since I'm so busy running and fetching); four big storms due this week with threat of flooding, high winds,  power outages. Sounds like real weather!!  TerryM: Will pass on gerbil story to hamster!  Lindybird: All hankies put away now!  :-)  Congrats on the redecorating and dibnlib: I'm with you from now on - hire the folks who can do it in half the time (at four times the cost, yes, but....)

Off to comb hair and make self presentable. Have a nice Sunday all.

  • It's just gone 10pm here- Husband is groaning over the footie score (his lot lost again..)  I used to knit but now have a jumper half done which is at least ten years old, in the cupboard. seem to have lost interest in how it will look on me- come to think of it, it will probably be out of fashion, now ;- )   I often do the ironing while watching tennis etc. 

    Enjoy your library meeting.

  • Word seems to be spreading amongst my friends that I am knitting small things for Mums & Bubs Home, so I have far too much donated wool waiting for me. <grin> It is a pleasant change to knit 8 ply for Grand-dau. Ironing? I do as little as possible. Hence the huge pile. Soon I shall have no clothes and I'll have to face it. LOL. I'm away now. Good night.

  • Bye  AQ!   Good night to All from me, too.  Nearly bedtime here, for me at least.

  • Hallo everyone. Back from trip to daughter's doc in Santa Maria - just over an hour north of Santa Barbara - in torrential rain - low, heavy clouds with lightning and thunder, but now brilliant sunshine with the "worst" of the three storms due tomorrow. Daughter coming along fine - we stopped by the ranch where her horses are and waved hallo, which made her feel almost normal again. And - wonderful news - just got a call from the body shop and our car will be ready tomorrow morning. Hurray!

    When I had trouble logging on this morning (site never loaded), I went to one of those e-mails the RSPB sends when someone comments on your page; that connected okay, then I scrolled down the page to where it tells you what you've been up to - in this case commenting on the weekly chat page - clicked on "weekly chat" and voila, here I was. May not work all the time, but maybe worth a try next time the site is acting up - and assuming someone has commented on your page and you still have the e-mail notification.

    Alan:  Thanks for shot of Magic! (Was that its name or the occasion?)   Glad your missions went well; hope Lady P is happy with the result of hers.

    Auntie: Missed you. Welcome back, but as Gary says, don't go mad and waste valuable time off doing housework.

    OG: Katy Ure only just got back home? I'll have to check out the BBC to see the whole story. Wonder if she enjoyed herself - you could live another whole life under those circumstances! What an excuse to go MIA!

    Diane: Re the Estonia cam, I haven't checked it (the 2nd cam) today but there was a truck parked in view of the camera last night while the boars were milling around - also thought I saw some deer, but the image was a bit jerky; it made me wonder if anyone was working on the cam.

    AQ: I got the busy server message too yesterday, and it didn't load this morning, but managed to sneak in via the e-mail messages I mentioned above.  I hate those tennis grunts and loud ads too, which is why we typically watch PBS, which has had to resort to accepting some advertising, but at least they don't shout at you.

    Oh dear. daughter up from nap and OH just arrived so must go into family mode! Back later.

    P.S. Phoebe's second egg hatched this afternoon!

  • Hi, all. Hope everyone is comfortable, healthy, and happy tonight/today.

    Paul (Heron77): I hope that you were able to kick your cold/flu. Get lots of rest and take some vitamins. Loved the picture of the starling tree. Take care of yourself.   Tiger: Appreciate the super-site link. Excellent!   Margobird: So glad that you got to visit with the new baby person!   Amazing that you saw a butterfly.   Auntie: Sorry that you have had to work so much overtime. Nursing is physically demanding and also mentally stressful. We should all appreciate nurses. I hope you enjoy your day off. Do something fun, not boring housework. :-)   OG: Glad you enjoyed your afternoon at the cinema!   Patriciat:   Dogs should always take priority over housework! :-) I hope your beautiful dog, Fly, is doing well. She had a limp, I believe, some time ago.   Lindybird: Like you, my computer skills are self-taught. I used to be reasonably knowledgeable, but I'm afraid that the technology is passing me by at lightening speed. I do a lot of swearing when I have to install some new gadget now. :-)   Aquilareen: Why, oh why, do the adverts on TV have to shout so loud that one couldn't hear a jet plane take off? It's not even smart business strategy, because the blasting volume just makes people mute the blooming TV, so we don't hear the stupid ad anyway. I have started watching TV programs online, where the adverts are few and only about 15 seconds long.  

    Annette: I'm so glad that your daughter's doctor appointment went well and that she is recovering nicely. Hope you are taking care of yourself. The truck that is parked in view of the camera on the Estonia Forest Cam 2 contains feed that they spread for the wild boars, I think. I saw the moose(s) on Forest Cam 1. I think it was a family (two adults and possibly a yearling?). They were going to what looks like a salt lick. The cam may have been jerky because of wind. I think they have some wild weather in Estonia. I have seen some wicked storms on the Seal Cam. The Baltic Sea nearly froze over and has chunks of ice floating in it now. Makes me shiver. If you've had time, I assume that you are watching the political events tonight. Wish we could have a chat about it over a vanilla latte. :-)

    Ok, I'm off to bed early for a change. Take care all. Yay, Phoebe!!!

  • Diane: I'm heartsick over the Mass. results. What's the matter with people? "I've got medical coverage but you can't have it."   I don't know about a latte - a stiff vodka martini might be more like it! 

  • I rather like spiced rum -- heated a bit. :-)

  • Morning all! I`m going to obey your advices and ignore the household things today ;) maybe just do a bit laundry `cause due the weather here one must have some clothes.

    Lindybird, if you finish that jumper it just might be fashionable again, the fashion trends tend to go around in cycles

    Diane, thanks for your kind words! My line of work definitely takes it`s toll but on the other hand it also gives back. And we have extremely wonderful "spirit" among colleagues in our ward

    Annette, glad your daughters good healing

    Alan, it is wonderful to see those bright colours in Phoebe pics. I feel like I`m living in black and white world. Just the occasional pale blue skies, soft pinks during the sunrises and dark greens of fur trees otherwise everything else is white or in different shades of grey

    Have a nice day everyone. Off now but back later

  • Hi Diane I am glad you like the superlink. I am sure you will find a few owl cams in there. I have got a few other superlinks too. I will make them available when that one has a chance to be digested!

    I am glad people have inenjoyed it. I repeat it so that people who have not seen it know what I am talking about. See http://home.pages.at/nadt/index.htm?lang=en&daylightMap=1

  • Stress-filled day yesterday, head all screwed up.  Dipped in and out of Chat, so will now do a re-read.  Hope the website remains more accessible today.

    Tiger and Brenda H – I leave my Amaryllis in the pot, but still some little nibbler gets there!  Mine fell over yesterday morning, support cane went with it, so we tied it to the cupboard door and then later the top broke right off – too heavy.  So now it resides in a jug.

    Dibnlib – watched Scotland’s Winter Wonderland.  Didn’t think much of the prog production, but there were some stunning views.  Liked the shot of the Cairngorms weather station, and great to see Edinburgh without people and cars!

    Auntie – hope you are enjoying your day off.  Don’t worry too much about housework, it’s not going anywhere!

    Diane – sorry about all the fog – I agree fog is claustrophobic.  Hope it will clear soon.  It wasn’t me but was Dibnlib who went to the cinema!

    Patriciat – it was Dibnlib who recommended the prog on STV player!  I watched it on her recommendation!  Do you and the dogs have an agility comp. this month?

    AQ – good to “see you” – happy knitting!

    Annette – pleased to hear Daughter is doing well – great that she could see her horses on the way back from check-up.


    Spoke with Dau#1 in Co. Durham last night – son was almost home from Grantown interview.  They still have treacherous ice, and the men building their new garden wall still can’t work because the sand is frozen!  We have been totally above freezing for about five days now.


    Our boiler’s drip (not weather-related) is progressively worsening (this it our own, not Dau#2 up north) and Scottish Gas aren’t due till tomorrow.  Had to get up three hourly in night to empty drip-tub – like having a prem baby to feed!  Today and tonight will be two hourly!  Still only clean water (probably mains feed connection) so not losing boiler pressure.  “Dyno-man” still hasn’t been to mend garage pipes – promised and failed three times now!


    OH has gone to a Carers’ Stress Management Training – including free lunch.  So I shall enjoy time to myself and a cheese sandwich - and some webcam watching!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!